14. The Match

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"What the hell did I do?
NEVER been the type to
Let someone see RIGHT THROUGH"

-i love you, billie eilish

"jesus christ! are yous okay!?" sasha yelled after the rapid shots had stopped

"well i'm not shot if that's what your asking!" stiles said quickly. a small canister flew in from the window as smoke started filling the room. sasha coughed as she breathed in a cloud.

scott then came running in through the smoke and bent down over stiles, picking him up. "take him. go!" he yelled before leaving the room.

sasha rolled over slowly and stood up, placing her hand down on the wall to steady her self. derek stood up beside her, blood trickling down his leg. "we're never gonna catch a break are we?" sasha panted.

"not yet anyway." derek said, pushing himself up using a chair. his head darted towards the hall. "we need to go now!" he yelled to her. she helped him stand and the two limped down the hall, using each other for support.

they limped towards the holding room, where they heard the screams of melissa and the sheriff. derek propped his cousin up against the doorframe and he walked in, eyes glowing and fangs out. sheriff stilinski was knocked out on the floor and matt was talking to scott's mother, who gasped from behind her bars as she saw him. matts head darted to the other entrance where the kanima was snarling at derek.

derek roared before charging at it, throwing it down at a table at the wall and punching. the kanima however swung at derek and sent him flying over to the other side of the room.

the kanima turned to look at sasha who was standing at the door, still to weak to fight. she tried to run but the kanima pushed her to the ground. the girl landed on her back and looked as the kanima crawled on top of her, dragging its nails along her face. she winced and closed her eyes.

"remember when yous said the kanima goes after murders..." matt hissed "you were right. yeah, i know about you, your eyes, your secret. that you're the real monster here. "

sasha shook her head, willing for the aching pain in her bones to stop for just one second so she could fight back. she closed her eyes, the vision from lydia's party. her friends all repeating them words back at her, drenched in blood. she pushed it aside. instead she thought of the happy moments, the ice rink, that night in the kitchen, her being his anchor.

she opened her bright blue eyes, staring back into jackson's bright yellow ones. "i'm not the monster." she spat, bringing up her hand and digging her claws into the kanimas neck. it hissed with the sudden pain, backing up enough to let sasha slid out and stand up.

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