37. The Phone

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"No, I'm not afraid to DISAPPEAR
The billboard said, "The end is near"
I turned around, there was nothing there
Yeah, I guess THE END IS HERE"

- i know the end, pheobe bridgers

"lahey!" sasha ran up and wrapped her arms around the boy, standing in her doorway. "your you?" she smiled at him as he held her face

"yeah" he nodded back at her. "your you?"

"never changed."

"never do." he pulled the girl into a kiss, a familiar warmth spreading over sashas cold body. "you're freezing." he laughed as he held the girls hands

"i know, i can't sleep. he took lydia, isaac, i should've been protecting her."

"sasha, look at me." he moved the girls head to look up at him. "we will find her okay? scott and stiles are at the sheriffs station now already making a start. but right now, we both need sleep okay? we'll go out in the morning, sound good?"

sasha nodded, wrapping her arms around isaac again. "sleep sounds good."


isaac ripped open the lock to the car park and th three walked towards the bright blue car. "that's it. that's lydia's car." allison said

"the scent's strong with emotion." isaac said


"no, anger."

"sounds like lydia to me." sasha said, smiling at allison as they inspected the car

Allison got into the car. sasha quickly opened the passengers door and slid in, leaving isaac standing out there. "i am not sitting in the back again." she smiled. isaac sighed heavily before getting into the back seat.

the three looked around the car, in all the pockets and the secret compartments. "hold on. do you see that?" allison asked, looking at the window

"what are we looking at excatly?" sasha said, confused because there was no movement outside the car park.

allison breathed on the window, fogging it up to show a hidden message.

dont find me.


"here's your black coffee, weirdo." sasha said, getting back into the car and handing isaac the two coffee cups as she put her belt on.

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