17. The First

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"And I've moved FURTHER
than I thought I could
But I MISS you more
than I thought I would"

-i found, amber run

"you know i'm starting not to like this idea." isaac paced back and forth in front of the window of dereks new lair. "sounds kind of dangerous. you know what i definitely don't like this idea and i definitely don't like him."

"you'll be fine." derek reassured him.

"so can you please stop pacing cause it's starting to freak me out!" sasha groaned looking up at isaac from her spot on the table.

"does it have to be him?" isaac asked again.

"he knows how to do it and we don't. it'll be more dangerous if i tried doing it myself."

"you know scott didn't trust him right?" isaac said. "you know personally...well i trust scott."

"do you trust me?" derek looked at the boy.

"yeah." issac said anxiously . "i still don't like him."

"no one likes him." sasha sighed. just then, the door slid open to reveal peter standing there. "boys. and sasha." he added before walking into the room. "fyi, yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. so i hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face."

"we don't like you." derek said plainly before slamming his book shut, throwing it onto the table and standing up. "now shut up and help us."

"fair enough." peter threw his hand out to his side, the sun shining on the claws leaving them semitransparent. he ordered isaac to sit down on a chair in the middle of the room. "relax. i'll get more out of you if your calm."

"you can hardly ask him to relax when your about to dig your nails into the back of his head" sasha argued. isaac gave her a worried look, as if realising what was about to happen. " i mean...that's....umm...you'll be fine."

"how do you know how to do this again?" isaac asked peter.

"it's an ancient ritual used mostly by alphas, since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice. one slip and you could paralyse someone. or kill them."

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