Sweetie: whatever next time I won't apologize

Leah: fine by me

Sweetie stomped off she would have said more but she didn't feel like putting her foot into her mouth again. She was trying to avoid going to private school even though she was already going soon.

Lunch was over and Everest on her way to class stopped in Katie's office she knocked as Katie looked up.

Everest: Mrs. Jackson I would like to take you up on the offer of talking if your door is open for me too

Katie: Of course my door is open for all the students, I have time now if you like

Everest: I have class

Katie: yes but I can make an exception for you, I can get you a pass

Everest: Cool thank you

Katie no problem come on in

Everest sat down her office was warm and it felt inviting, she sat on the couch and took a deep breath.

Everest: I hate that my dad had to die, I wish it wasn't so far away either I feel like I wasn't able to say a proper goodbye. It hurts to much and I try to confide in Chase but he can be a jerk and I wish he would just tell me he feels the same way because I know he does.

Katie: I know its hard the way your father died, but Everest he is never really gone he is with you all the time. Your father lives on through you and Chase and it is always hard to get a guy to open up. I feel like Chase will come around when he is ready, and it is okay to miss him as you should. It helps to talk to him too.

Everest: I just feel so awkward talking to myself

Katie: I get that but you know you aren't talking to yourself and that is what matters

Everest: Thanks Mrs. Jackson, any advice on dealing with Chase?

Katie: Honestly no, I never did understand the male mind. Chase is your brother though he will always be there for you even if he doesn't show it. I can see that he cares for you he just hides it like every other guy

Everest: Thanks, and I am trying to get him to come talk to you too I feel like he would benefit 

Katie: I spoke to him he knows the option is there, I never like to push students to talk to me. If he does I will do what I can to help him. If he doesn't well then my hands are tied, as for you though how are you feeling?

Everest: I do get sad, I know he is watching out for me. I want to be able to move past it but I catch myself thinking about him and I lose it

Katie: No one expects you to move past it Everest losing anyone is hard let alone a parent. I know you are strong but no one is that strong. Try and think of it as a good thing when you think of him it means he is living through you. Don't feel like showing emotion over missing him is a bad thing let the grief come as it may.

Everest: Thank you, I just wish I could talk to him one last time

Katie: I get that I wish I could talk to my loved ones too, It will always be hard but it will get easier with time even though you will never forget.

Everest: Thanks

Katie: No problem, here is a late pass and my door is open anytime Everest

Everest: okay 

Everest went to class feeling oddly better she didn't expect that and knowing Katie had lost someone in her life too helped. 

At the end of the day it was time for the the first basketball practice and even though Chase couldn't play he went.

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