The House of Fortune is the Monster Mansion

Start from the beginning

I nodded as I watched Motoki play, glancing out from the corner of my eye to see Luna sitting there. I reached over a scratched her head, smiling, "Luna, what are you doing here?"

Motoki looked over my shoulder, questioning, "Oh, this cat's name is Luna?"

I nodded as Luna purred at me, slowly relaxing as I scratched her head. Motoki continued speaking, "I've seen her around here a lot lately...I wonder if she's a stray."

Luna quickly shook her head and lifted her head to bite my hand. I chuckled and moved my hand away, slowly standing up, "Alright, I get it. I'm going." I turned to Motoki and smiled, "Luna used to be a stray, but she's my cat now and apparently, I have to go home now. See you later."

Motoki smiled and waved at me as I grabbed my bag and walked out of the arcade, Luna following after me. I looked down at Luna, stating, "I was coming home, you know, I just wanted to relax a bit first."

Luna tilted her head in confusion, "Aren't you supposed to come straight home from school?"

I nodded with a shrug, "Yeah, but I told Mom that I would be late today."

Luna nodded, "Okay, but remember Usagi, you have a mission."

I nodded and frowned, thinking, "You know, I just remembered something. Follow me, Luna."

I quickly turned around and ran towards the direction I just came from, where the old man was and the new House of Fortune location. I turned into the alleyway and huffed, muttering, "Great, he's gone already."

Luna looked up at me, asking, "Why are we here, Usagi?"

I frowned as I replied, "I got my fortune read earlier by an old man, and he said something about a great adventure ahead of me. Anyways, this House of Fortune is slightly suspicious, don't you think?"

Luna turned to the building and tilted her head, commenting, "It does feel slightly off."

I looked down at my watch, frowning for a moment before brightening up, slowly taking off my shoes, "Okay, Heads we go home and research. Tails, we go inside and investigate."

I kicked my shoe in the air and watched it fly in the air, flying over my head, and hitting someone on the head, landing heads up. I winced and slowly turned around, "I am so sorry."

I looked up to see the guy from the other day, clutching my shoe in his hand tightly. He stalked towards me with a frown, "You hurt me, bun-head."

I huffed with a glare, "Is that the only thing you can say? I apologized you know."

He got in my face, sneering, "If you don't act more ladylike, you'll never find a boyfriend."

I snatched my shoe out of his hand, sticking my tongue out at him and stated, "And if you don't get a better attitude, you'll never find a girlfriend."

We both turned away from each other, I quickly slipped on my shoe and headed home, completely done with today, as Luna followed behind me, and he walked the other way. As I was making my way home, I heard my name being called, "Usagi!"

I turned around and smiled brightly, "Dad! Grocery shopping?"

Dad chuckled with a smile, "Yeah, I got home early for a change, and Mom caught me and sent out to grab few things."

I cooed happily, taking a few bags from Dad, "You're so sweet, Dad."

Dad chuckled with a bright smile, slightly blushing, "Mom takes care of everything at home. This is the least I can do. Why are you out so late, Usagi?"

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