The Human God

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() : Talking
("") : Thinking

NOTICE : All images and videos used in this chapter are not owned by me please support the original creater.

WARNING : There might be some spoilers from the light novel or Manhwa, so be careful and think before you read.


Author's pov :



The Strongest

That was something Hazen always wanted. To become the strongest by his own strength and potential and not by some kind of gift from God. He wanted to prove that he wasn't useless and weak. He wanted to be a light of hope for those who need it. He wanted to help everyone, so that they don't have to go through the same thing he has or haven't.

But with bigger dreams comes an even bigger........ Cost. A cost so big that he would lose all reasons to be alive. A cost that will make him beg for death. A cost that will make him a man worth Nothing.

This is exactly how Hazen is feeling right now. He thinks that he can't do anything anymore. What can he do, when he wasn't even able to save his own family. What can he do when he couldn't even save the one he fell in love with and the one he swore to protect. Was he even a man for something like Love.

He believes, no. He isn't. Even after training so hard for all these years, he didn't changed at all. First a person who shared the same pain he has gone through-

Died, and he still lived with regrets of not being able to save her.

Second, his Soulmate, the one who suffered for more than 300 years-

Died, and now is just a soul in his body, and once again he lived with regrets eating him alive.

Third, someone who took care of him when he was lost in the world. He didn't knew what to do so he can become more stronger, she became his new light in the darkness. The light that motivated him to encounter his past friends who wanted to send him away just so he can be safe but she-

Died later as well, and he once again was left in the darkness but with a little bit of hope of his adopted daughter and his friends in Tempest.

But then, one of those little sunshines, one was taken away as well. Making him finally break. He was lost. He really isn't a person born to Love but a person born to live Alone. All his dreams meant nothing to him now. He has already lost enough he can't lose those who are still alive now.

That's what he wants now, just revive his love back and go away from everyone and live the rest of his life alone in the dark corners of the world with his Soulmate. That's all he can do to keep everyone safe. Because whoever he loves just ended up dying in the end.

He felt so much regret, so much shame on himself that even the Devil will look at him with pity.

Thoughts like those kept running in his head as he kept walking towards the Gaia's temple. Right now it was noon but the sky was covered with dark clouds, signalling that it is going to rain soon. But he didn't plan to stop. He just wanted to revive her and leave to somewhere no one can find him.

Soon after it started raining really fast. The winds started blowing making really strong gusts. For a weakened Hazen, it was really hard to move forward because the winds were flowing in a complete opposite of where he wanted to go.

That time I got reincarnated as a Human ? (OC/Male reader x Rimuru) Where stories live. Discover now