I am a Human!!

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()= Talking
("")= Thinking



3rd pov :

We see our protagonist standing on guard in front of two powerful beings. Hazen could tell that the guy with red hair was stronger then the female, and that female was a true dragon. As they were staring at each other the girl with white hair came forward.

Hazen put his gaurd up in case she attacks but then she stoped in front of him and said.

??? : Don't worry we don't want vilance so you can calm down.

Hazen didn't sense any ill intent from her so he calm down but still stood on guard.

??? : Who are you? And why do you seem femilier? What are you?

The female seem to be really curious so Hazen said in a polite manner.

Hazen : Well my name is Hazen Jin. And i am a human.

Now both the individuals were quite surprised that why a human came to their territory. So the female one said.

??? : Oh, well then I am Velzerd one of the four true dragons. So tell why are you here ?

Expecting the human to be scared that he is in the presence of a true dragon, they didn't expect him to look at them calmly and said.

Hazen : Wait really ? Then i guess it's an honer to meet you Mr's Velzerd.

He said while bowing to show respect. Both the individuals didn't expect this at all.

Hazen : And about why i am here? Well i am actually a traveler traveling around the world to fight strong opponents to become stronger.

Hearing this the guy with red hair smirks. He came close to him and said.

??? : Well then, how about you fight me? I am one of the ten powerful demon lords, Guy Crimson.

Even though he couldn't sense Hazen's power because he can't sense senjutsu, he had a gut feeling telling him that this human isn't normal at all.

Hearing this Hazen got excited and agreed. He sensed that how powerful this guy was so it was a good opportunity to see how strong he has become now.

As both of them agreed to have a hand to hand combat with no wepons. They went towards an large open area. Then Velzerd used her magic to create a magical barrier to avoid destruction, because she herself was quite intrested in this human, he seemed femilier and her dragon instincts were telling her that this human is anything but normal. They stood in front of each other between a small distance.

She then decided to be the refree and said.

Velzerd : Are you both ready!?

Both of them noded in agreement as Hazen took his Renewal basic stance.

Both of them noded in agreement as Hazen took his Renewal basic stance

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That time I got reincarnated as a Human ? (OC/Male reader x Rimuru) Where stories live. Discover now