|| 𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ||

Start from the beginning

"Only if your desire is to start a bloodbath in New Orleans" Klaus says, his eyes glowing amber and veins popping under his eyes.

"Where is she Marcel?" Elijah asks again gritting his teeth.

"Well, I ain't got her. And before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic, so I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave. And, imagine my surprise when I realized that the Original family of vampires had taken up residence. Rosie, answered the door, we spoke a little about some interesting subjects, and that was all. I'd never harm her in any way. You don't believe me? Look around. Hell, I'll even help you find her. But the question that I'd ask is: if Rosie isn't here, then where is she?" Marcel says looking straight at them "I guess the protection of the Original Family was not enough"

...The Bayou, Back Roads...

Rosalind awakens in the trunk of an SUV with her wrists bound as it drives down the country roads of Louisiana. She tries to kick out the back window to escape, but the driver stops the car and gets out to check the trunk. When he opens it, he tries to grab her, but she fights back by kicking at him. It's revealed that the driver is Tyler Lockwood.

"Seriously?" Tyler says annoyed.

"What...Tyler?" Rosalind asks surprised.

"You don't wanna fight me, Rosie. You know you can't beat a hybrid" Tyler says.

He uses zip-ties to bind her ankles so she can't run away.

"What the hell Tyler!" She shouts at him "AHH! LET ME GO, YOU BACKSTABBING HALF-BREED PIECE OF SHI..." she starts to yell, but he cuts her off.

"Shut up!" He shouts at her.

Tyler pulls Rosalind out of the trunk and throws her over his shoulder. As he walks down the road, his hybrid face comes out as he angrily drags Rosalind into the Bayou.

 As he walks down the road, his hybrid face comes out as he angrily drags Rosalind into the Bayou

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...The Abattoir...

Elijah and Klaus are sitting in the courtyard. Some of the vampire fighters are milling around the compound.

"Not the most attractive community, are they?" Elijah states.

"You do realize they can hear you?" Klaus replies.

"You do realize I don't care?" Elijah retorts. He was too worried to waste any time with his brother's sense of humor.

Marcel appears, followed by some vampires, and the witch, Sabine.

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