Despair Disease

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Kazuhikos pov

I walked through the door with cloudy thoughts. A desise. How the hell are we supposed to fight a desise! What if they become dangerous? What if they try to off themselves like namiko? I just don't know. It's been so long since I felt this helpless-

"Hey kazuhiko" my thoughts were cut off by mias unusually dull looking face "it's a good morning I guess. Kinda wish I stayed in bed"

"Hey Mia" I waved nervously "you ok? You seem a little down"

"I'm not upset. I'm just bored" she stuck a finger in her ear "everything's so painfully dull. It's almost enough to make me cry"

I stared at her strangely. What's going on-

"Mia there you are" aiya appeared. She reached out to touch her friend but I grabbed her hand before she could "hiko what are you doing"

"There's something off about Mia" I reached out and touched her forehead. She was burning up "I knew it. She's sick"

"She's sick!?" We turned around to see the others horrorfied faces.

"That's right!" Monokuma popped up "mia been infected with the bored deisese. This thing's spreading fast" he laughed as he disappeared.

"Mia no!" Aiya reached out towards her friend but...

"Are you stupid!" Token grabbed her "if you touch her you'll get sick too!"

"I don't care" she shook her head desperately "I just want my friend!"

"Aiya aiya" Archie touched her shoulder, an unusual kindness in his eyes "I understand you're hurting but you must be strong. If everyone gets sick there will be no one to look after her"

"You're right" she sighed "sorry everyone"

"It's alright" I smiled reassuringly "Let's just get mia to the hospital "

*Time skip*

We arrived at the hospital. I guided mia to her bedroom and returned to everyone's guilty looking faces.

"What's wrong?"

Natsuki stepped forward "kazuhiko we all talked and some of us think that since you were touching the sick that you should stay back to look after them"

"And I said I'd cut open anyone who even suggested it" pekoya glared at the nervous looking boy.

"It's alright. I think they're right anyway" I sighed.

Pekoya shook her head with a sad smile "I should have expected it. It's just like you to want to protect everyone"

"Don't worry, I won't let you do this alone. I'll stay too"Natsuki said firmly.

"I'm staying too!" Aiya insisted.

"Sorry aiya but I think we should avoid having more than two people to avoid the spread of the disease" natsuki gently explained.

"Ok then" she reluctantly nodded"I don't want to cause any more trouble so I'll leave it up to you two"

"Ok boys try not to die okay~" kichi skipped off with the others, leaving me and natsuki alone...

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang