Komeadas Crazy Rants

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Kazuhikos pov

I walked into the dining hall half asleep when something jolted me awake.

It was natsuki standing on the table, ranting like a madman.

"We're all in hell. We're all being punished for something we didn't do!"

We all stared at him in disbelief. This normally level headed boy had gone mad.

"I see madness in his eyes" taru appeared once again. Damn he's fast! "I don't believe he can be saved at this point"

"Don't say that!" I glared at him "I'll talk to him" I walked up to her "natsuki can you tell me what's wrong?"

He threw a book at my head. The remnant of despair info book to be exact!

"Did you think you could hide it from me? From us!" He screamed.

"You stole it from me. That is so uncool!" Kichi glared at him.

"Didn't you steal from naoko?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah but I didn't broadcast it to everyone. That's the uncool part" she pouted.

"Guys what's he talking about" Garcia asked. I sighed. I guess we have no choice.

*Time skip*

"No" Garcia covered her mouth "that can't be true"

"I'm afraid it is" I sighed.

"So are parents are some kind of phyco freaks?" Mia yelped.

"They used to be. They aren't anymore" pekoya said firmly. I nodded greatfully at her. She turned away with a huff. Oh yeah, she still hates me.

"But what does any of that have to do with us?" Namiko asked.

"Well I have a theory" kichi spoke up "maybe some victim of the remnants kidnapped their children as some form of revenge"

"That's far too cruel" Garcia covered her mouth with tears in her eyes. I couldn't blame her. This situation was nothing but cruel.

"Oh what's the point. We're all going to die" natsuki burst into tears.

"Hey don't say that" I grabbed his shoulders "you have to be strong. That's what naoko would want for us"

He broke down, clinging to my shirt. I hugged him back as I let him cry. We might be in hell but at least we can support each other.

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