Dyed Hair

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Kazuichis pov

I was sitting in the living room with my dear husband. Me reading a manga and him reading a newspaper. I looked up at him curiously.

"So what kind of depressing stuff has happened in the world this time"

He looked up "I'm just seeing if our recent turf war made it into the news"

"You mean the one you brought kazuhiko into" I hugged my knees "I don't like that you brought him into something like that fuyu. He could have gotten hurt!"

"Hey I fight in terf wars all the time" he argued "It's just part of being a yakusa"

"He's a kid fuyu!"

"He's sixteen kazu. That's how old I was when I had my first turf war"

I hugged myself. I knew this was the life I signed up for but the thought of my baby getting hurt just terrifies me.

Fuyuhiko pulled me into a hug "I know you're worried about him love but he's perfectly safe. We keep him at a distance as a sniper. Kids a natural with a gun. He'll be a great yakusa leader some day"

"Well if you promise he's safe then I guess it's alright" I sighed as I lay against his chest. I guess I have nothing to worry about after all-

"Guys check it out!" We turned around to see our son with the tips of his hair dyed pink!

"Boy what the hell did you do with your hair!" Fuyuhiko looked like he was about to have a heart attack!

"What's wrong? I thought it looked cool" he looked disappointed.

"Cool? Boy are you crazy!" He yelled, making kazuhiko flinch "you're way too young to be dying your hair" hippocrit!

"Well I think it looks lovely honey" I said reassuringly.

"Thanks mom. You always know what to say" he hugged me before skipping away.

"That's it! He's way too irresponsible to lead the kuzuryu clan!" Fuyuhiko ranted angrily while I tried desperately to hold in my laughter.

He may be a big bad yakusa but at the end of the day he's still a father!

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now