A Garden Day

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Kazuichis pov

"Now isn't this nice class?" Miss yukisone stretched "just take in that fresh air!"

We nodded and sat down. The feeling of soft grass tingled my palms. I took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh air. Thank god I got out of that stuffy classroom.

"How are you feeling souda-san?" Sonia asked gently. I suppressed the urge to sigh. I'm getting real sick of people asking that!

"I'm fine miss Sonia. Much better now that I'm outside" I smiled at her.

"That's wonderful" she took a seat next to me "how are things with you and fuyuhiko? He's taking care of you isn't he"

"I believe so" I nodded "he said he'd protect me and I think he'd lie about that"

"That's good. I would have had some very strong words with him if he left this all to you" Sonia said firmly.

"Hehe thanks miss Sonia" I said greatfully. She really is a kind woman. It's no wonder I had a crush on her.

"Fuyuhiko a naughty man" I looked over to see ibuki teasing fuyuhiko "getting kazzy pregnant like that. Ibuki didn't think he had it in him"

"Oh fuck off! Your spiking incident is the reason we did the deed in the first place!" Fuyuhiko pushed her away.

"Ohh well since Ibuki helped you make the baby does that mean Ibuki can be the godmother!" Ibukis eyes lit up excitedly.

"Fuck no! That honor goes to peko" he said firmly.

"Really" pekos face lit up. I've never seen her so genuinely happy before.

I giggled softly. These guys. I'm so happy to be around them-

My thoughts were cut off by a man in black grabbing me and running off before anyone could stop him.

"Let me go!" I kicked and screamed but to no avail.

The man leaned into his walkie talkie "I got the boy sir"

"Excellent" I heard the voice from the other end "bring the kid to me unharmed. From there we'll contact the kuzuryu clan with our demands"

"Understood" he nodded before walking to the exit. I started to tear up.  What's going to happen to me-

"Not so fast!" He turned around to see akane "you look real strong but I can't respect someone who picks on a little dude like that. So tell you what, I'll just beat the hell out of you!"

"I don't have time for this" he growled as he reached for his gun. Akane moved quickly and punched the guy in the stomach. He gasped and let me go. Akane quickly caught me before I hit the ground.

"You fucking bitch" he reached for his gun which was kicked away by miss yukisone.

"Kidnapping my student in broad daylight. You have a lot of nerve" she had that scary look in her eyes. Even the big tough yakusa shrunk down under her gaze.

"Kazzy" fuyuhiko and peko finally reached my side. As soon as I saw them I burst into tears.

"I was *hic* so scared!" I sobbed.

"I know baby I know" they both hugged me from either side. It felt nice, safe. like nothing could hurt me.

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now