Beach Time Murder

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Kazuhikos pov

"Are you sure this looks ok?" I gestured to the swimsuit I was wearing which consisted of a white open jacket and white shorts with pink clouds.

"You look amazing" Kaizan insisted "and incredibly handsome if I do say so myself. Try to save some ladies for me ok my man" he nudged me playfully.

"Well if you say it's alright then I have no choice but to believe you" I smiled softly. Kaizan's a good guy. I can see us becoming good friends.

"Of course. Now let's get to the beach before all the babes are taken!" He dragged me to the beach.

*Time skip*

We arrived at the beach and I immediately set up a place to sit. Kaizan laughed at me.

"Don't you want to greet everyone before you set up your own personal space? It is a party after all"

"Fuck no! I hate getting covered in sand and shit" I groaned.

"Kazuhiko I'm starting to think that you're a forty year old man in a teenager's body" Kaizan shook his head.

"Hiko! I'm so glad you could make it" aiya pulled me into a hug, her breasts in my face "may I say that your beach look is great!"

"You too" I muttered, still in shock from the sudden skin to skin contact.

"Aiya! Come join the party girl!" Mia called out. She was wearing a colourful swimsuit.

"Coming girl" she ran after the girl excitedly.

"There are some mighty fine women out here" Kaizan smirked.

"Cut it out" I shoved him playfully. My playful banter however was cut off by the sight of Garcia in a diving uniform. She wasn't showing much skin but she still looked beautiful.

"H-hey Garcia looking good" I stuttered nervously.

"Thanks kazuhiko" she smiled sweetly "I was planning on doing a little diving" she headed off to the sea while I watched her blissfully.

"Oh so you got a crush on that girl huh?" He nudged me with a knowing grin "well I'm rooting for you man"

"Thanks" I nodded greatfully.

"Heya!" I turned around and gasped. Kichi was wearing a checkered swimsuit and damn she looked good! "So this is the result of a day's worth of shopping. What do you think? Do you like what you see?" She winked.

"Yes-No-I mean yeah you look good" I stuttered like an idiot.

"Man for such a small girl kichi sure had some big bazongas" Kaizan whispered "very impressive if you do say so myself"

"Bazongas?" We turned around to see saiko with her hair tied back in a blue frilly swimsuit.

"He's talking about my boobs. He's a real pervert you know" kichi grinned mischievously.

"No I'm not-"

"Run saiko before the pervert gets us!" Kichi grabbed her hand and ran.

"Come back saiko! I swear I'm not a pervert!" Kaizan ran after them desperately.

I leaned back in a comfortable position. Everyone else was either partying or swimming. Everyone except my and pekoya.

She sat across from me, her hair hung free from her usual tucked in plaits and she wore a black modest looking swimsuit. Makes sense. Pekoya never was the type to show off.

I cleared my throat. She turned to me with a huff.

"You look good in that swimsuit" I muttered awkwardly.

"Thanks" she hugged her knees. God this is awkward!

"I missed you you know"

"Really! Cause it seems like you managed to make friends just fine!" She glared at me.

"Sure I've made some new friends but they could never compare to you. You're my best friend" I said firmly.

"Kazuhiko" she teared up. For the first time in days it felt like we were making some real progress-

"Ahhhhhhh!" Our moment was cut short by a blood curdling scream. We jumped to action and ran to the scene of the commotion.

Laying there in the dark red water was the body of Tammy.

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat