Labour Pains

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Kazuichis pov

I hugged my knees as tears threatened to fall. I could hear gunshots outside, men screaming, sounds of pain and agony. It was a warzone and I was trapped in the middle of it. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...


The sound of my water breaking rang through my ears "no baby" I whispered fearfully "this is the worst time for you to come out!"

I took a deep breath and lay down. Ok calm down. It's not going to help you to get stressed. You're already laying on a bed so that's good! Just stay calm and everything will be ok-

My thoughts were cut off by the door being kicked down. I was scared at first, that is until I saw pekos face.

"Peko" I immediately lost any composer I had when I saw her "please help. My baby's coming!"

"What!" her eyes widened but she quickly hid it with a calming smile "you have nothing to fear master kazuichi. I'll make sure you're safely delivered to a doctor"

"*Hic* thank you" I sobbed on her shoulder as she carried me out of my prison. She gracefully got me out from the fury of bullets flying past us without a single mark on either of us. Despite the pain I was in I couldn't help but be impressed...

She's incredible. No wonder fuyu trusts her so much.

*Time skip*

"Now you have nothing to worry about my dear" a man said as I was laid down on a hospital bed "I'm the top doctor of the kuzuryu family. I promise you're in good hands"

"Only the best for my grandchild" Mr kuzuryu nodded.

"Thank you sir" I said tearfully. I've never been in such awful pain before.

"Poor dear. You've had quite the scare haven't you?" The doctor said sympathetically "that's probably why the baby came out a little earlier than it should have"

"Fucking idiot!" mr kuzuryu slapped fuyu over the head.

"Will my baby be ok doctor?" I asked worriedly.

"Your baby will be just fine my dear" he patted my head reassuringly "you just focus on pushing now"

"Ok" I dry swallowed. This is pretty scary. I don't know if I'm not strong enough to do this.

Fuyuhiko, as if he knew exactly what I was thinking took my hand "you got this kid. I'm right here to support you"

"Thank you" I squeezed his hand back.

"Gah-you got quite a grip for someone so delicate looking" fuyu winched in pain.

"Sorry am I hurting you?" I looked up worriedly.

"No no honey don't worry about me. Just focus on pushing" he said reassuringly.

I nodded and shut my eyes. I'm still scared but with everyone's support I'm sure I can do it!

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now