tzuyu › once upon a time

Start from the beginning

Tzuyu nodded her head quickly and held onto you tighter. She was taller than you so she rested her head on top of yours as more tears left her eyes.

"Come on, sweetheart. It's time." Your father called out.

You cried out again and squeezed Tzuyu. Just before your parents could separate you, you pressed a big kiss to her cheek and smiled sadly.

"I love you, Tzuyu!"


"And then," You whispered, booping Haein's nose. "Seven years later... They met again." Haein clapped loudly, which led you to hold his hands and shush him with a fond smile playing on your lips.


"Ugh." You muttered as you roamed the halls.

You absolutely dreaded school. Well, you liked it, but you hated doing school work. In your school, you were quite popular and known for your dramatics, your loud and outgoing personality, and your over-the-top kindness to new people.

If anyone's wondering about Tzuyu, the two of you are still in contact with each other. You two don't talk as often as you'd like anymore, due to both of you having schoolwork and honework to do. But it's still contact nonetheless. You actually really miss her. Obviously. She made you so happy back then-still does. But it's never been the same ever since you were separated.

You sighed and walked into your classroom after going to your locker. You sat down in your seat next to your seatmate, Jeon Jeongguk.

"What's up, Jeon?" You greeted him, giving him a high-five.

He grinned back at you. "Nothing much. Same old, same old. You?"

"Me too, Jeon, me too."

Eventually, the classroom was full of students, and your teacher walked in with a new student trailing behind her with her head down. She must be shy, you thought to yourself.

But when she lifted her head up as the teacher introduced her, your eyes blew wide open.

"Class, please welcome Chou Tzuyu to our classroom."


"Was she still shy, mommy?" Haein asked.

You nodded, your eyes glazing over with fresh tears, but you wiped them before Haein saw them. "Yep. She was- She was one of the shyest girls in the class." You stated.

"On that day, Y/N and Tzuyu both rejoiced after they met again for the first time in seven long years apart. Y/N was the loud, outgoing friend-to-all type of person, and Tzuyu was her shy, introverted other half. They were soulmates. Put on this Earth for each other. Some years later, three to be exact, Tzuyu confessed her love to Y/N."



You and Tzuyu were stood in a pavillion at your favorite park. The sun was setting behind you, creating a beautiful sunset and a halo of light around your figure.

Tzuyu stared at you like you were the most beautiful girl on this planet. The only person on this planet.

"Y/N, I- I have something I need to tell you." Tzuyu stuttered out.

You stepped forward and took her hands in yours. "What is it? You can tell me anything, remember? Don't be nervous." You told her.

She sucked in a sharp breath before looking you in your eyes.

"I love you, Y/N."

"Oh, I love you t-"

"No! Like... I love you. I-I want to be with you, I want to be... I want to be your lover." She mumbled, looking down at your interlocked hands.

You stared up at her in shock, which slowly melted into a look of joy. You took another step closer to her so the your bodies were nearly touching. You let go of her hands to cup her face.

"Can I?" You asked quietly.

She nodded. You stood up on your tippy toes and connected your lips. The kiss was short, sweet, and simple, but it meant the world to the both of you.

"I love you too, Tzuyu. I love you more than words can let you know." You whispered.


"A couple of years later, they settled down and got married. Then, some years after that, a miracle happened. Tzuyu became pregnant. With you, baby." You said quietly, tickling Haein's chin. He giggled sleepily, his eyes fighting to fall shut and let his brain slip into dreamland, so you decided to close up the story.

"Unfortunately, Tzuyu's health wasn't good, and she fell ill. Her life ended shortly after, but she left me with you and all of her love, didn't she?"

Haein nodded, looking up at you with glassy eyes, making your own water. You stood from your chair and moved to sit beside him on his bed. You pulled him into your arms, settling him on your lap and hugging him securely as you rocked him to sleep.

A single tear rolled down your cheek.

"She left me with the best gift I could've ever asked for, my beautiful boy."


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