huh yunjin › sixth member of le sserafim (requested)

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A/N: This is the YUNJIN version of a previous imagine titled LIZ - 7th Member of IVE. The Hanni version of this imagine will soon be published in the NewJeans book ! Also, more Hickey Prank imagines will be coming out soon, I'm still working on them, I'm sorry TT


"One, two, three, LE SSERAFIM!" You and the girls threw your hands in the air as you shouted the group chant.

Your heart was pounding in your ears, hammering against your chest as if it were trying to escape from its cage. You felt a blend of excitement and nerves buzzing throughout your body. In a few moments, you and the girls would be going on stage to perform at a music festival.

"Come on, Y/N, we're on!" Eunchae called out to you, beckoning you to follow her and the rest of the girls with a bright smile on her face.

You offered her a smile in return and took a step forward, feeling ready to have a great time and give the best performance you could. You were caught off-guard, however, when a sudden wave of dizziness washed over you, nearly sending you to your knees. Silver stars moved in a frenzy around your vision as you looked around warily.

"Y/N!" This time, it was your manager. She was nudging you to walk up the steps leading onto the stage. You nodded slowly and ran up the steps, much to your body's dislike.

The bright lights of the stage and venue seemed to strike up a headache, a dull pain making itself known in the back of your head. You almost winced, but brushed it off coolly, letting a relaxed smile win your lips as you and the girls got into position.

As soon as you were in place, you met Yunjin's eyes, and that was when you noticed the subtle concern in her eyes. While waiting for the cue, she silently asked if you were okay. You hesitantly gave her a small nod. She looked uneasy at first, but as soon as the intro to The Great Mermaid started playing throughout the venue, you both put your focus on your performance.

It was now the intermission. You had just performed ANTIFRAGILE and Impurities, and after this short break, which you were using to interact with the crowd of fans, you would move on to perform No Celestial.

You all smiled brightly towards your fans, giving enthusiastic waves to them as you cheered into your mics.

"FEARNOT~" Chaewon called out to the crowd. She offered them a charming smile and continued on to talk to them and ask them questions such as Did you eat today? or Have you guys been getting good sleep lately?

You were intently listening to each of the girls talking, desperately trying to fight the nausea and dizziness that was clouding your senses.

It eventually became too much. The lights, the loud, overwhelming cheers and applause, the heat of the atmosphere.

Eunchae was in the middle of speaking when it happened.

Yunjin was the first to notice your body swaying, and she was instantly running across the stage to you.

It felt like everything was happening in slow motion, as, in the blink of an eye, you fell to your knees and sank to the floor, holding your heavy head in the palms of your hands. Your body felt like it weighed a ton. Or a few. You felt weak.

You faintly heard the sound of knees dropping against the stage floor, and you knew it was Yunjin.

"Shit, baby. Y/N, can you look at me?" Yunjin asked, panic clearly evident in her voice. Sakura was next to her, trying to calm her and the crowd down, simultaneously.

"Jin..." You called out, slightly lifting your head up. She cupped your cheeks and brought your face up to hers. She noticed your red cheeks and warm skin, so she began to fan you with her hands, simultaneously asking Kazuha to see what was taking the stand-by paramedics so long.

"You're alright, my love, it's okay. Just a little fever, yeah?" Yunjin whispered, rubbing your shoulder. You sat on the floor, dazed.

Then, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your entire body collapsed in her arms.

Your eyes felt like they were being weighed down by lead, so it took a lot of effort to fully open them. And when you did, you looked around groggily, slightly wincing at the strong headache in the back of your head.

You noticed that you were in your bedroom. The last thing that you remember is performing Impurities-the rest is history.

There was nobody in your and Kazuha's shared room, so you decided to call out for the person you wanted to see the most.

"Yunjin!" Your throat felt dry, but that didn't faze you.

You let a small smile win your lips as you heard hurried footsteps approaching your bedroom. Since the door was already open, you smiled brightly when you saw her appear in the doorway, hair messy and chest heaving.

"Y/N-thank God." Yunjin released a breathy chuckle as she quickly entered the room.

She stood at the side of the bed and took your hands into her own, gently caressing the back of them. She brought them up to her lips and placed a kiss on the back of them, making you smile.

"I'm fine now, Jin." You whispered.

She gave you a stern look. "You gave us all a major scare last night! Were you feeling off before we even started performing?" She asked.

You fiddled with her fingers and looked down, immediately giving away the answer to her question.

"Love, we talked about this. If you're ever feeling off, it's okay to tell us. I get it that you feel like you always need to put on your best smile and facade and push through anything and everything because you're an idol, but Y/N, if it's getting to the point where you're passing out, please, tell us. Tell the staff. Tell someone. It's okay to sit out if you're feeling unwell." She explained.

You bit your lip. "Yes, but... this performance, it was special. It was a big crowd, I didn't want to ruin it by sitting it out just because I felt a little dizzy. This is my job, I have obligations, Yunjin."

"I get that," She pressed, squeezing your hands. Your heart felt like it was being crushed when you saw the tears in her eyes. She continued, "I really do, baby, believe me. I used to be just like that during our trainee days, remember?" You nodded. "But then I talked about it to Sakura and our manager, and you wanna know what they told me?"

You looked up at her with teary eyes, starting to feel guilt overcome you.

"They told me to take care of myself. To put myself before my job, because that's what matters. Yes, being an idol demands a lot from us-a lot of our hours, minutes, and seconds; we can't have public relationships, and sometimes we have to diet, but no matter what, if it's starting to jeopardize your health and well-being, stop. Take a big step back and focus on getting better. That applies to all of us, Y/N. To you." Yunjin whispered the last two words.

You finally cracked. You leaned forward and pulled your hands from hers to cover your face with your hands as several tears rolled down your cheeks. You sucked in a harsh breath and exhaled shakily. You only cried harder when you felt the bed dip and a body next to yours. You were brought into her comforting arms.

"Baby," Yunjin spoke softly, voice barely above a whisper. She gently brushed her fingertips down your arm. "It's okay. No need to cry, I promise. No one's mad at you or upset with you, and you shouldn't be too hard on yourself or think that things are ruined. They're not. You just had an accident, that's all. It's okay, I promise." She assured.

You nodded tiredly against her chest, mumbling a few words to her.

"What was that, my love?" She asked, not quite catching what you said.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too. Infinitely."

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