huh yunjin › the little things (pt. two)

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Today started out like any other day. You woke up to a silent house, got ready, ate breakfast with your father in a tense atmosphere, and left for your morning classes at university. There was no problem.

No problem until now. One of your friends was forcing you to go to a party. Well, you wouldn't really consider her a friend, but you know her through Yunjin-you suppose it was inevitable that friends of Yunjin would want to talk to you and try to befriend you, but it was always painfully awkward for some reason, so none of them really tried anymore after the first attempt. Anyway, you had tried denying her offer at first, but she argued with you back and forth and bugged you to go so much that you finally gave in and said yes, just to make her incessant whining stop.

And that's how you ended up here. Here as in a stranger's house, standing in the front yard with a knot forming in your stomach. You were just doing this to please Chaewon. You're a woman of your word, after all (unfortunately).

Speaking of Chaewon, she got out of the car and then hopped over to you excitedly. You grimaced. She grabbed you by the hand, and you had to suppress the overwhelming urge to snatch your convulsing hand out of her grip, but you let her drag you into the house.

And then you realized you didn't have your headphones. While it wasn't necessarily too loud in the spacious living room, since it seems like the party only just started, as there was only faint music playing, there were still a lot of people surrounding you the further you followed Chaewon (she had let go of your wrist at this point, thank goodness). Or at least, you were. You looked up from the ground to see that she was nowhere in sight.

"Crap." You muttered. Tears brimmed your eyes as you looked around, feeling slightly overwhelmed. There were people everywhere you looked. You felt trapped. You wanted to go home immediately, but you can't even see where the door is in the midst of the sea of people.

And then, all of a sudden, loud music started blaring from speakers all around the room, startling you. Tears spilled over and cascaded down your cheeks as you let out little cries. You clasped your hands over your ears. Too loud. Too loud. Too loud.

You were well aware of the feeling bubbling in your chest right now. You felt the panic surging through your veins as you slightly hunched over. Your breathing began to pick up, and your cries got louder. You started to pat your ears and tap your right foot on the ground. But still, nobody seemed to notice.

That is, until you feel someone's arms wrapping around the back of your thighs and lift you up like a mother would their toddler. You squirmed in their hold, wanting desperately to be put down as you wailed. But they didn't let go. And with quick-paced steps, it felt like an instant in which you were carried outside of the house.

When you were set down on the ground, you stumbled backwards, still patting your ears, but with much more force in the action. You kept your head down as you cried loudly and swayed in a repetitive manner. Your breathing was erratic, and your chest felt tight. This earned you confused and concerned looks from roaming students, but you didn't care.

"Loud, l-loud, loud, loud-d, l-" You muttered shakily as tears rolled down your cheeks and you shook your head. You were cut off, however, when you felt hands grab you by the wrist to stop you from hitting your head too hard. You thrashed around, wanting the hands off of you as you panicked even more.

But the person didn't let go. You looked up through your tears, hands still out in front of you, and were met with Yunjin staring back at you.

She quickly spun you around and pulled you into her embrace, holding you tightly from behind you, arms securely wrapped around you so that you couldn't move your arms, while you continued to wail loudly. The both of you eventually sunk to the ground, but she still kept her arms around you, gradually tightening her grip.

Several long minutes passed before you began to calm down. You whimpered quietly and sniffled, stiffening in her arms now that the panic had died down. She took notice of it, and slowly let go of you. You carefully moved away and sat down next to her.

The two of you sat in a tense silence.

"God, you scared the shit out of me. What were you thinking, coming to a party, Y/N? You and I both know that this is most definitely not the scene for you." She stated.

You bit your lip, looking anywhere but at her. "Sorry..." You mumbled. You felt guilty for making her worry so much. You feel like she's always taking care of you; last month, she helped you through a panic attack, only for you to experience another one later that week. And in the same month, you fell down a staircase and scared the hell out of Yunjin, who stayed by your side for the few days that you were in the hospital.

You don't know why she still sticks by your side at all.

With much thought put into your actions, you stretched out your arm and carefully locked pinkies with Yunjin, swallowing the slight discomfort you felt. Your hand started moving around, and you instinctively wanted to pull your hand away, but you fought the urge as best as you could.

Yunjin looked up at you with worry in her eyes. "Are you... Are you trying to comfort me?" She asked quietly, a small smile peeking through on her lips.

You nodded timidly, not saying a word as you stared ahead at the yard.

She sighed softly and pulled her pinky away from yours. "Oh, baby, don't push yourself to discomfort just to comfort me. I'm comforted just by your presence alone." She confessed.

Your eyebrows furrowed, and you pursed your lips as you sat in thought. Eventually, after a brief silence, you looked up at her-well, not at her, you stared at her hair instead of her eyes.

"Why? I don't- I don't get it, Yunjin."

Yunjin just smiled and stared ahead like you had previously been doing. You examined her side profile. "I like you, Y/N. I really like you." She stated.

You felt your cheeks redden, and you looked down at your lap. "I-I... Maybe I like you too." You tried to play it off coolly, but you probably didn't pull it off well, seeing as Yunjin looked back at you and chuckled.

She moved closer to you, a smile on her face and eyes twinkling brightly in the moonlight. "Y/N... Would it be okay if I...kiss you?" She asked quietly. Her voice was barely above a whisper.

You sat in thought for a moment, before ultimately deciding on an answer.

You nodded your head. Yunjin grinned and leaned in, pressing a quick kiss against your lips, before pulling away.

You smiled, and said your next words with confidence.

"I like you too, Huh Yunjin, I like you too."


QOTD: Pants or skirts ?
AOTD: Pants TT I just personally think I look better in them than I do in skirts ✌🏼

Why do I feel like I've already asked this question 😐

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