kim chaewon › king (pt. two)

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As soon as you and Jisoo walked through the front door, everyone was immediately running to you upon seeing Jisoo covered in blood

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As soon as you and Jisoo walked through the front door, everyone was immediately running to you upon seeing Jisoo covered in blood. You were too, but it couldn't be seen due to the little boy in your arms and the leather jacket swallowing his tiny frame.

"Are you guys okay? Are either of you hurt?" Nayeon asked. She was worried by the blood staining you, but then she noticed the sleeping child you were carrying.

"Oh, who is this?" Nayeon asked as she walked up to you. She reached out to stroke Junseo's back, but the little boy woke up, and as soon as he saw Nayeon, a stranger, reach out to touch him, he was quick to flinch away and curl up further in your embrace. He began to shake and cry again.

You immediately went to calm him, patting his back soothingly. "Hey, hey, hey, don't cry. Everything's okay, Nayeon-unnie won't hurt you, I promise," you whispered, gently rocking the boy in your arms.

You looked up at the girls, specifically at Nayeon. "Sorry, guys. This is Lee Junseo. He doesn't like it when people touch him. He was kidnapped," (you made sure to mouth the word), "two years ago and abused." Again, you whispered that last word.

Everyone's eyes widened, before they nodded understandingly.

Nayeon carefully stepped forward so that she could see Junseo's face, and wore a friendly smile as she waved at the child. "Hi, little one. My name is Nayeon, it's very nice to meet you," she greeted quietly.

Junseo slightly lifted his head to peek at Nayeon. Eventually, after staring at the older woman for a few awkward moments, the boy waved at her shyly.

Nayeon smiled. "Would you like me to make you some hot chocolate while Y/N gives you a nice, warm bath?" She questioned softly. Everybody watched the interaction with fond eyes.

Junseo tilted his head, visibly confused. Everyone could hear Daisy squeal when she saw it ("he's so cute, I'm gonna die!").

Nayeon chuckled. "Hot chocolate is a yummy drink that warms us up in no time!" She told the little boy enthusiastically.

Junseo then nodded shyly.

"You want me to make some?"

Junseo nodded again.

Nayeon nodded her head this time, before taking off towards the kitchen to go and prepare the boy his drink.

You smiled at the interaction the whole time. After the eldest left, you leaned down and kissed Junseo's head. The little boy looked up at you with sparkling doe eyes, before resting his head back on your chest.

Chaewon walked up to you and placed a hand on your back, careful not to touch Junseo in any way. "Is everything okay? I thought you were returning the kids to their homes." The older sported a look of deep concern as she stared at Junseo's half-asleep figure.

You bit your lip before speaking. "About that… Jisoo-unnie and I have to talk to you all about something important," you murmured softly, looking around at everyone.

Everyone nodded.

Chaeyoung stepped forward, nodding towards Junseo. "Take care of Junseo first. Then we can talk." She smiled afterwards.

You nodded. You turned to Chaewon and gestured for her to follow you. She nodded.

"We'll be back, girls."

With that, you and Chaewon left to go upstairs to your shared room.

When the two of you entered the bedroom, it was quiet. You didn't even need to talk to each other to know what to do. You headed to the bathroom, while Chaewon went to go and grab a shirt for Junseo to sleep in.

You entered the bathroom and carefully set Junseo down on the counter. "Hey, little one. I need you to wake up for me, can you do that?" You gently tapped the boy's cheek until you saw his eyes flutter open.

Junseo looked around, flinching since he didn't recognize the room. He tightly clutched your shirt, looking up at you with scared eyes.

Just then, Chaewon entered the bathroom. This only served to heighten Junseo's fear. He teared up again.

You cupped his cheeks. "Please don't cry. She's a nice lady. Her name is Chaewon, and she's Y/NN's silly girlfriend," you said.

Reluctantly, Junseo nodded, still staying close to you.

With that, you went to work on getting the kid in the bath and cleaning him up.

「  銀  」

Twenty minutes later, after some struggles in the bathroom and with treating Junseo's injuries, you and Chaewon exited the room and headed downstairs, entering the living room, where everyone was waiting for you.

Except for when he was in the bath, Junseo hasn't let go of you at all, and you didn't have a problem with that. Junseo sat in your lap as you and Chaewon sat down on the loveseat.

It was quiet for a moment, but Jisoo eventually spoke up, her voice blunt and serious.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. Junseo is homeless and an orphan. He has nowhere to go home to, and Y/N and I think it's cruel to put him back on the streets, so we both want to keep him, if that's alright with you all," she explained.

Daisy and Nayeon immediately agreed. "Of course!" They exclaimed in unison.

Somi and Chaeyoung chuckled and agreed with them.

Chaewon turned to look at you with a soft smile, and nodded. "I'd love to have him here. Our home is his now," she whispered, lovingly kissing your head afterwards.

You smiled widely. You couldn't believe it. Well, you could, but you didn't think that everyone would agree so easily. Neither did Jisoo. But you're both glad that Junseo can stay, because you would both be truly heartbroken if he had to go and live on the streets again, or if he had to live in an orphanage.

"Hell yeah!" You cheered, hugging Junseo gently, being mindful of the little boy's bruises. You lifted Junseo's head to look into his doe eyes. "Junnie, you get to stay with us! This is your new home," you whispered, tears brimming your eyes.

Junseo's eyes lit up as tears brimmed his as well. This time they were happy tears. He clenched his fists and shook them around cutely, a small smile slowly making its way onto his face. Tears began to stream down his cheeks, but you gently wiped them away, sporting a soft smile.

Junseo leaned forward to hug you tightly. You gladly returned it.

"Does he speak?" Somi asked all of a sudden.

To your surprise, Junseo shyly turned to look at the blonde and shook his head. Everyone offered the young boy a look of sympathy.

"Well, don't worry, Junseo," Chaewon started, locking eyes with the said boy,

"this is your new home, and you're safe with us. I promise."

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