yuna (csr) › wave

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A/N: let's gooooooo i finally reported this kid at my school for harassment THANK GOD. Listen up ladies, if someone harasses you, advocate for yourself if you can. Report it, tell someone, anything, just don't let it go unhandled, especially if it's at a place like school or maybe work, because then it might happen again if consequences aren't given to the harasser. ♡


[ drowning ]


The ocean waves rocked gently, reaching just above your ankles from your spot along the shore. You were an excellent swimmer, but you were in a relaxed mood today, so you settled for simply standing in the shallow water.

The sun was shining brightly, kids were laughing loudly, and your girlfriend was- Shit, your girlfriend.

"Crap." You muttered under your breath. You had been so caught up in your moment of relaxation that you completely lost track of Yuna, who has an awful habit of wandering off and doing things she shouldn't. She may be eighteen, but she is more childish than one should be at your age, therefore you find yourself having to keep an eye on her when you're with her. Another thing that is notable to mention is the fact that Yuna can't swim.

With worry-filled eyes, you frantically scanned the sandy shores, and then the crystal clear water. Your breathing became erratic when you couldn't find her anywhere.

How could you have been so careless?

"Y- Y/N!" Your head turned at lightning speed towards the choked cry you heard in the distance. It came from the water.

And there Yuna was, helplessly drifting further away from the beach. You immediately began to panic. You could see that she was panicking, and when she panics, she forgets how to do the basic things that would get him out of the situation—like swimming (or at least attempting to). Which leads you to the sight of Yuna flailing her arms around while others simply went about their days.

You quickly jumped into action. Tearing your hat off of your head and tossing it somewhere to the side, you immediately took off running through the water. When you couldn't run any longer, you began to swim towards her, moving as fast as you possibly could.

When you finally reached Yuna, she instantly wrapped her arms around your neck, while you guided her legs to wrap around your waist. You heard her cough heavily over your shoulder, and heartbreaking sobs escaped her as her body shook against yours. You let out a cry of relief and held onto her tightly. Once you remembered that you were still in the water, however, you started on your journey back to the shore.

When you finally made it to land, you both collapsed onto the sand, panting heavily. Tears brimmed your eyes and, before you knew it, you were crying into the back of your hand. From beside you, you felt Yuna shuffle around, letting out a few more coughs before she came closer to you. She removed your hand from your face and placed it on her cheek. She smiled weakly, apologetically, at you and leaned into your touch. You returned the smile and stroked her cheek with your thumb, cooing at how adorable she looked.

"By the way, I'm never letting you swim again."

"Aw, man."


QOTD: bias in CSR ?
AOTD: Yuna, she's so cute TT ♡

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