trainee logbook #2 - KIM CHAEWON

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Other trainees were scattered across the room, talking amongst each other during this ten-minute break, but you stood in front of one of the mirrored walls with a hard glare directed at your reflection.

Instead of taking this break as an opportunity to drink water or have a lighthearted conversation with your friends, you're spending it criticizing yourself and attempting to perfect a move that you've been working on for the last half hour. It was beginning to frustrate you.

You needed to get this move down quickly, as a monthly evaluation was coming up and this is one of the only moves you haven't mastered for the song that you're dancing to-Blood, Sweat and Tears by BTS. You were having a difficult time moving your hips in a way that looked right to you for a move in the post-chorus.

After a futile attempt at trying the move again, you kicked your water bottle and collapsed to the floor, visibly frustrated. You knew that at least a few other trainees were probably staring at you, but you couldn't care less, as you buried your face into the palms of your hands and sighed heavily.

You were startled when you felt hands on your shoulders and a voice whispering in your ear. "Everything okay, Y/N?"

You looked over your shoulder and were met with Chaewon's face closer to yours, so you instantly looked away and stumbled over your next words. "I-I'm fine, Chaewon-unnie!" So, maybe you have a small crush.

But you don't have time to think about that; you have to complete this choreo no matter what. You don't care if you pass out, or have to stay later than everyone else, or skip meals. You will perfect it.

With that thought in mind, you slowly stood back up alongside Chaewon, and smiled up at her. "You can get back to whatever you were doing, Unnie, I have to finish this dance." You said.

She sighed. "I came over because I saw you were having a hard time. Let Unnie help." She responded. She ran her hand through her hair, and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't hot.

You gulped and nodded, looking down timidly, to which Chaewon just chuckled.

You took out your phone and pulled up the dance practice that you were learning from, and showed her the clip of the move you were trying to master. After watching it a few times, Chaewon did it in front of the mirror, and you were shocked to see that she had done it perfectly on the first try.

Your shock then turned to frustration, but more so with yourself. How come you can't do it, but everyone else can? It isn't fair.

"Woah, hey, don't cry, little one." Chaewon was immediately by your side. You hadn't even realized that you were about to cry, so caught up in your thoughts. She tenderly wiped your tears with her thumb. "Come on, I'll help you do the move. Show me how you do it first." She stated.

You took a deep breath, clearly nervous, before doing the move as best as you could.

When it was over, you looked over at her expectantly, ready for her critique. So you were thoroughly surprised when she clapped.

"Wow! That was perfect, Y/N!" She praised.

You blushed and covered your mouth with your hand as you looked away with a shy smile. "Thank you, Unnie. There was nothing wrong with it?" You questioned.

She shook her head with a smile. "You're an amazing dancer, Y/N, I told you this the other day. I think the problem is just that you can't see it, or you don't feel like you are. But I promise you, you are." She stood close to you, looking down at you with genuine admiration shining in her eyes.

"W-Well," You trailed off in thought for a moment, before coming up with an idea. At this point, you just wanted to be close to her, and at the same time double down on the move just genuinely make sure that you were getting it right and she wasn't just praising you just because. "Can you maybe, uhm... help- help me with the move still? Just like- like a runthrough!" You suggested, looking into her eyes.

Your voice came out meek and embarrassed, which made Chaewon giggle and nod in agreement. "Sure, cutie." She replied. You grinned.

She grabbed your hand and spun you so that the both of you were facing the mirror.


You nodded.

"Okay," She smiled. "Twist and jump," She stood a foot behind you as you both did the movements slowly. "And then kick the right leg up."

This is where you were previously having a hard time at (or so you thought). This upcoming hip movement.

But then she did something unexpected that had your eyes widening and your face flushing red. It felt as if everything was in slow motion as she grabbed you by the hips and pressed herself against you. Following the right movements, she gently dragged her left hand up your thigh, and then immediately after, her other hand trailed up your torso.

And although time seemed to have stopped, in the blink of an eye, it was over. However, even after the clip stopped, she was still behind you, hands on your hips and body against yours.

You felt her breath hit the shell of your ear as she spoke her next words.

"Meet me in my room after practice, babydoll."


QOTD: to my folks who are of age, i have a simple question for you; what would y'all do if Chaewon said that ("meet me in my room after practice, babydoll.") to you ?

A/N: Also, would you guys prefer if, in these imagines, throughout them, I refer to these idols by their stage name, or by their real name ? Just curious.

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