rei › bully (+ important a/n!)

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[ mild bullying & then physical bullying ]


A loud crash from the living room woke you from your dreamless slumber. You walked out of your room, drowsiness evident in your appearance, and made your way to the living room.

You were met with your brother on the floor, having tripped and knocked over a stack of DVDs.

"For fuck's sake, Namjoon-"


You walked through the school's hallway with your head down, your fingers wrapped tightly around the straps of your backpack. You were really hoping to not be noticed by Naoi Rei. She constantly picks on you, and it's not exactly the best experience. But, admittedly, there are times where the two of you actually like each other. You wished that could happen more often.

"Hey, pipsqueak."

You squeezed your eyes shut for a brief moment, and then slowly turned around to face none other than the very student you were talking about. Rei. She calls you by that name because you're smaller than her.

"Hi," you murmured, offering her a slight bow.

She chuckled and poked your head a bit, causing you to frown. She then got closer to you. That caused your cheeks to burn red. What the hell is she doing?

"You're buying my lunch today. End of discussion."

And with that, she sauntered off, shoulders lax and attitude completely carefree.


As soon as you walked out of your third period, you began walking to the cafeteria alongside other students, seeing as you had no other choice but to buy Rei lunch. You can't really disobey her. You don't fully know what she's capable of.

But you were interrupted from your thoughts and your path to the lunch room when your elbow was grabbed and you were thrown into the lockers you were walking beside. There weren't many students around, seeing as you were lingering around in the back, but the ones that were there ignored the scene completely.

You looked up into the eyes of An Yujin. She's another mean girl in your school, and you most definitely prefer Rei over her. Rei usually resorts to grabbing a few strands of your hair and tugging at it to annoy you, poking you harshly in the head, making you buy her stuff, or calling you names. You've seen how Yujin is, though. You've seen her hit fellow students, and now, you fear that she's going to hit you.

And you were right. Because as soon as you looked into her eyes, she sported a deep frown and pinched your cheek. She squeezed it hard enough to bring tears to your eyes as you winced.

"I didn't say you could make eye contact, rat," Yujin said.

You rolled your eyes at how silly she sounded. She didn't like that. She slapped you. That really hurt. It left an angry, burning red mark on your cheek, and it was then that you began to cry.

Before she could do more, however, someone roughly pushed her away from you. You looked up to see someone you weren't expecting. Naoi Rei. She quickly turned around and helped you stand up, and then proceeded to keep an arm around you and hold you close to her chest as she faced Yujin again.

"What the hell, Naoi?!" Yujin exclaimed, bewildered. You, too, were shocked that Rei, of all people, just helped you, and was now holding you to prevent you from getting harmed any further.

"Watch it, An. She's mine," Rei stated. Her voice was deep, carrying a serious timbre that had you shivering, slightly scared. But at the same time, you felt your heartbeat speed up.

'She's mine.'

"The only person who can pick on her is me, and if I catch you putting your hands on her again, there'll be serious consequences," Rei added.

Yujin scoffed and stomped off without another word.

You and Rei stood still in silence for a few moments, before she turned her head to look at you. She didn't make an effort to move away from you, so your faces were only inches apart. You couldn't help the blush that painted your cheeks.

"Is L/N Y/N blushing?" Rei teased playfully. You liked this moment. Like you said earlier, there have been moments in the past where the two of you seemed to actually enjoy each other's presence, but it's not often.

So when she teased you, you playfully slapped her chest. "Yah, leave me alone," you shot back.

"On a more serious note, though, I meant what I said," she suddenly said.

You raised an eyebrow. "About...?"

"You're mine." Your cheeks immediately flushed again. Feeling her breath against your parted lips was definitely not helping your situation. "And no one is allowed to harm even a hair on your pretty little head. Only I can poke fun at you, got it, pipsqueak?" She questioned.

You shook your head, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "Whatever."

She then pulled you closer, startling you. She kissed your cheek swiftly-so quick that it took you a moment to process the action.

"Now let's go. I'll buy lunch this time, but it's on you next time."

"Good, because I just remembered that my older brother somehow lit the ten dollar bill I had for lunch on fire while trying to light a candle."


a/n: i'm stuuuumped bc in the chaewon book i'm working on, jeon somi is in it as the flirty one, and han sohee plays a reserved character in it named hong jisoo, and idk if i wanna make them a couple, or if i wanna keep everybody but chaewon and the main character as just a big friend family HELP </3 also, should i go ahead and publish neaera? i kinda wanna do it lol

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