huh yunjin › the little things (pt. one)

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There's a lot of things you've never liked. All your life, you have hated these things. They always made you freak out. The littlest of things made you freak out. Things had to be a certain way or you would be beyond uncomfortable. Loud noises made you freak out. The touch of another on your skin made you freak out. It made your skin crawl. When your mother still lived with you and your father, she used to tell you about how, as a kid, you hated being picked up, and couldn't stand the feeling of people holding your hand. You hated being in loud, crowded areas. She told you about how the littlest of things made you burst into tears. And even in adulthood, you still can't make eye contact with anyone without being extremely uncomfortable.

Even before your mother, the only person who seemed to understand you, left, you've always felt different, shunned, for your abnormal behaviors, whether it be at school, at the diner you work at, or even at home. Your own father thought that you were somehow strange for your behaviors, and he sometimes even claimed that you weren't his. And you've never understood why. You still don't.

And that exact fact, you being looked at differently, made it all the more surprising when you attracted the attention of one of the most popular girls on campus at your high school, a senior named Huh Yunjin. On the very day she saw you, she immediately befriended you, and since then, she's stuck by your side. She's never minded the fact that you can't make eye contact with her, or that you can't touch her, or that you cried easily. She simply said, 'There's nothing wrong with you. You're no different from us.' You cried on that day.

Speaking of her, she just walked through the door of your workplace, a wide grin on her face as she walked up to you.

"Hey, sweetheart," She greeted you with a flying kiss as she leaned against the counter.

You offered her a small smile in return. "Hi."

She pouted. "Oh, so no nickname for me today?"

"Correct." You deadpanned.

She was about to say something to you with a smile on her face, but you were called over to a table. You offered her an apologetic look, before walking off to table nine. One thing you liked about this diner is that it was almost always quiet. And even when it wasn't, when it was filled with loud laughter and too many voices talking at once, you had your headphones with you at all times.

Upon reaching table nine, you were greeted by a group of men laughing loudly, glasses of beer in front of each of them. Their laughter caused you to exhale a deep breath. The one who called you over looked up at you as you stood beside him with a friendly smile.

"How may I help you, sir?" You asked, your voice soft, and your hands clasped together in front of you.

The man looked you up and down. "My, my, sweetheart, what a beauty you are." Your smile fell. You didn't like it when someone other than Yunjin called you by these types of names. It was just weird. "Is there any chance I can get your number?" He asked. He sported a crooked grin.

You sighed and bowed ninety degrees. "No, sir, there isn't. If this is all you wanted, I'll take my leave now." With that, you turned to leave and walk back to the counter, where Yunjin was waiting-staring at you, in fact-but you were halted in your steps when your hand was grabbed.

In an instant, you spun around to face him. Your skin felt like it was on fire as he held it tightly, your skin was crawling as fear crept up on you and grasped at your heart. "Y-Yah! Let go-" Your hand twisted and turned, and your fingers wriggled around, to no avail. You felt yourself instinctively shifting your weight from foot to foot.

All of a sudden, however, your hand was freed, and someone was pulling you back by grabbing your arms. But as soon as you were far enough from that guy, you were immediately let go of. You watched with wide eyes as Yunjin snapped at that man.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, grabbing someone's hand like that? You don't even know her, for fuck's sake! If I ever see you pull that shit again in my vicinity, trust me, it won't be pretty, you bald bastard."

With that, she swiftly turned around and rushed back to you. She stood in front of you and looked at you with concern swimming in her eyes. She held her hands out, but didn't touch you-she knew you didn't like it.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" She asked quietly. You quickly nodded, albeit a bit shakily. You once again exhaled deeply and wrapped your arms around your own torso and walked away, going behind the counter and sitting down. Yunjin followed you and sat on the customer's side of the counter.


A/N: Can anyone guess what Y/N has ? Does it seem familiar ?

QOTD: Have any of you heard of MAVE: yet ? If so, how do you feel about the group ?
AOTD: Honestly, I have mixed feelings. It's a lengthy discussion regarding this topic. On one hand, I'm kind of conflicted on whether or not I'm okay with this whole virtual idol concept, but on the other hand, they debuted with a fucking BANGER, guys </3

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