tzuyu › once upon a time

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A/N: Should I organize these chapters by group, or no?


"Mommy," Your son, Haein, called out. You hummed and sat down by his bed. "Can you tell me a bedtime story, please? The one about mama?" He asked.

Your faces were illuminated by his bedside lamp. You watched as he looked up at you with his doe eyes, the ones he got from her. Your eyes stung with salty tears, ones that reminded you of how fresh the wound in your heart was.

"Sure, pumpkin." You whispered.

"Once upon a time, there was a girl. Her name was Y/N, and she was around your age; she was six years old. Her parents had just left for a three-year trip to the United States of America, so she was left in the care of her wicked grandparents." You began, playfully snarling at the end, making Haein giggle.


Six-year-old you shuffled out of your grandparents house, a sad frown on your face and pearl-like tears rolling down your chubby cheeks as you thought back to your grandfather's words.

Sure, runt. Go play outside, I don't give a damn, just don't get kidnapped. Not like anybody would wanna take you anyway.

You walked around the front yard, bored out of your mind with tears staining your cheeks. Until you looked across the street and saw a little girl who looked to be your age, sitting on the steps of her porch, her chin resting in her palm.

You ran to the edge of the front yard and cupped your hands around your mouth to shout across the road.


Her head shot up and she looked at you with wide, doe eyes. She stared at you with confusion. She looked behind her, then back at you, and pointed a finger towards herself.

"Yes you, silly!" You giggled, forgetting about your previous troubles. "Do you wanna play with me?" You asked.

She looked hesitant from afar. She sat in thought for a moment or two. Then she looked back towards you and nodded shyly. You grinned widely and stepped foot off of your front yard. You looked both ways on the street, just like how your mom and dad had taught you, and then crossed the street and into her yard.

"W-Wow!" The girl came running up to you, looking at you like you were her role model. "You can cross the road all on your own?!"

You nodded your head proudly. "Sure can! Just don't tell my grandma or grandpa!" You added.

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Now," You started. "Are you up for an intense game of leapfrog?"


You chuckled to yourself. "After she made friends with the girl, who was named Tzuyu, they played all the time. Nearly every day. Until three years later, when it was time for Y/N to go back home."


Tzuyu wailed loudly as you held her close. You were nine years old, and you were both in the airport, holding each other as tight as you possibly could after you found out that you had to go home with your parents now.

Both her parents and yours were watching the scene sadly, tears in all of their eyes as they watched the two of you cry together.

"T-T-Tzuyu-unnie!" You sniffled as you spoke. She looked up at you with bloodshot eyes. "Promise that- th-that we'll call every chance we c-c-can!?"

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