momo › eyes wide open

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"This was... Inkigayo!" You and your senior, Hirai Momo from TWICE, shouted towards the camera, giving the audience jazz hands and wide smiles. The idols standing in between the two of you clapped quietly with equally bright smiles.

When the camera stopped rolling, you and Momo bowed to the idols in between you, who then walked away after returning the gesture.

"Great job, Sunbaenim!" You cheered happily, looking in Momo's direction.

Ever since you became an emcee with the older, you've never been able to make eye contact with her. At first, it was because she intimidated you with her status and looks. Now, it's still that, but also because you might've developed a tiny crush on her. There was no way in hell you were going to reveal that to her, though-you plan on keeping that bit a secret for a long time.

You were walking down a hallway, on your way to your group's dressing rooms, when you heard a familiar voice call out to you.

"Y/N! Wait up!"

You looked over your shoulder and were shocked to see Momo jogging up to you with a smile on her face.

"S-Sunbaenim. Is there something I can help you with?" You asked politely. You were beginning to get nervous and clammy. Your tongue and throat suddenly felt dry and your heart was hammering in your chest.

Momo's smile slowly became a small smirk as she slowly stepped closer to you. Your eyes widened. Before you even knew what was happening, you were backed up against the wall of the hallway, with Momo standing directly in front of you, one arm propped up against the wall. Her face was dangerously close to yours. If you hadn't before, you really wanted to pass out. Maybe even pass away.

Momo leaned down so that her lips were to your ear. "I noticed that you have a hard time making eye contact with me, Y/N." She whispered. You shivered as she placed a lingering kiss against the shell of your ear, but you didn't push her away.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about." You stated boldly. You wanted to know what she would do. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught her silently laughing, before she spoke up again.

"Oh, so you can make excellent eye contact with every other idol and person in the room, but it just so happens that you can't do the same with me? Is that it?" She questioned lowly, nipping at your ear afterwards.

You let out a shaky breath. You moved your head away from hers to look at her for a moment. When her eyes met yours, you decided to do something risky. You abruptly cupped the nape of her neck and pulled her towards you until there was no space in between the two of you.

And she kissed back.

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