(request) yuqi › played

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a/n: i tried to write it as best as i could and i hope it's to the requester's liking ㅠㅠ i also hope the requester and everyone else enjoys it. <3


"Yuqi-ssi," you called out.

The two of you were sitting on the floor of the dance studio you were using, simply scrolling on your phones in silence and occasionally sipping on water as you took a break from dance practice.

The two of you are from different groups, but with an end-of-year award show coming around, your companies decided to pair you and (G)I-DLE's Yuqi together for a special stage. The two of you had already been somewhat friends before this collaboration-as in you two talked every now and then-but thanks to your companies' decision, you've both become great friends, and really enjoy each other's company.

Due to being friends and being together several days a week to practice your special stage together, you and Yuqi often go out to cafés to grab coffee or small cakes together and relax, and that seems to have sparked some speculation online amongst your fans, and even other netizens.


You showed her your phone, more specifically the article lighting up the screen. "Everyone thinks we're dating," you told her flat-out.

You would never admit this to anyone, but you honestly wouldn't mind if those rumors came true. Spending all of these days with Yuqi has been enjoyable, and you love her presence. Plus, she's gorgeous. But, regardless of that, the two of you are unfortunately just friends. Nothing is happening between the two of you besides a nice friendship. That's all.

Yuqi laughed. "Wah, really? I wonder where they got that from," she said, curiosity evident in her voice as she looked at you with a cute smile. Her eyes and smile are really pretty to you.

You looked back down at your phone, scrolling further down in the article. "Well, it shows a bunch of pictures of us at the café down the street. Aish, I wish the paparazzi would let us enjoy stuff without them," you muttered.

Yuqi leaned back and let her head fall into your lap, causing you to look down at her. She sighed and continued to look at her own phone nonchalantly. "Yeah. It sucks. But... I mean, what can we do? They don't listen to us half the time, anyway."

You sighed as well and looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah."

You hadn't shown her the amount of hate you've been getting for these rumors, and you never will.


Throughout the next hour, you had been so distracted while dancing, and it was causing you to make a few mistakes here and there. Your mind couldn't stop replaying the words of some of the hateful messages that were being sent to you.

You wouldn't dare say any of them out loud.

You've gotten hate before. You're an idol, it comes with the job. But this hate? It's beyond creative, and it's genuinely nagging at you. You wonder how someone could possibly come up with some of the things you saw.

"Okay, stop, stop," Yuqi suddenly said, waving her hand as a gesture for one of the staff to pause the music.

You sighed, knowing that it was because of you, and that she was probably fed up with all the mistakes you've been making.

Yuqi sighed as well, but not because she was frustrated, no. She was worried. This is the first time that you've begun to make mistakes during a dance practice. You're usually the one who picks up and nails moves quicker, even on the first try. In Yuqi's eyes, you're a top-tier, one of a kind dancer; which is why she's confused and worried. Something has to be wrong. Even if it's something as small as you just being tired, she wants you to talk to her about it and lean on her for help if you need it.

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