momo › video games (requested)

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Your feet hit the tiled floor loudly as you ran through the hallway

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Your feet hit the tiled floor loudly as you ran through the hallway. You were close to being late to your first class, which you were really hoping to avoid by all means. The last time that you were late, Mrs. Oh scolded you for five minutes straight.

You're one of the top students in the school, along with Hirai Momo, Park Jihyo, and Jennie Kim. You've always tested better than most kids, and you take a lot of pride in it. Enough that it's gotten to the point of rivalry, with none other than Hirai Momo. The two of you are always butting heads and fighting for first place in test scores, and you both spit insults at each other whenever you both come to a draw in terms of the scores. The funny part is that this rivalry started all the way back in elementary school, and now the two of you are in high school. And most would think that you hate Momo, but the truth of it is that you would love to be her friend. The thing is, you also love having a rival who hates you, so this works out.

You swung the classroom door open just before the bell rang, causing everyone's eyes to be on you.

"'Sup," you called out, waving at everyone. The students laughed, while Mrs. Oh rolled her eyes and told you to sit down.

And it only makes sense that your seat is right beside your favorite person; Momo.

You poked her with your pencil in the midst of a test. "Momoring," you whispered.

She looked at you. "Shut up, you rat, are you trying to get me in trouble?!"

You giggled.


You and Momo raced down the hall, side by side, headed straight for the bulletin board that displays test scores. You sped up and reached it first, quickly scanning the board for both of your names. When you found them, you squealed and cheered loudly.

"Yes! I beat you, haha!" You laughed and grabbed Momo by the shoulders, shaking her around.

Momo whined and poked your forehead with enough force to send you back. "Whatever, muffin face, I'll beat you next time, even if it's the last thing I do," she said, glaring at you.

You pouted. "Hey, why 'muffin face?'" You asked loudly.

She didn't respond. Instead, she simply brushed past you and stomped away.

Four years have passed since then, and you often find yourself thinking about those days. About the rivalry. About Momo. You wonder how she's doing and what she's doing. Did she go to med school like she said she was going to? Or maybe she settled for joining a dance crew since she's always been so talented in the area. You have no idea. You both never contacted each other after you got out of high school.

You live in a nice neighborhood, and you have good friends, and a job that you enjoy. But to this day, you've always felt a little empty. Like something's missing. The rivalry had been going on for so many years that, for the last four years, it's been so strange without it. You thought that the feeling would go away after-at most-a year or so, but you were wrong.

You work at a coffee shop. The bell above the door rang quaintly, causing you to look up from the counter. You were thoroughly surprised at who you saw standing right in front of you.

Hirai Momo, you ex-rival.

When she met your gaze, her eyes widened, just as yours did. There was an awkward silence for a few moments, before you cut it.

"Uh, I- Uh... What can I get for you today?" You asked her.

She stepped closer to the counter, before leaning on it with a small smile. "Your number," she responded casually.

Your eyes widened significantly. Like, you didn't think that they could go as wide as they did. You were beyond shocked that the Hirai Momo, the girl that hated your guts in elementary, middle, and high school... just asked for your phone number. You couldn't believe it. Oh, my god, is she in love with me? Am I ready for this? You can do this, Y/N, you can do it.

You shook away your thoughts and were about to answer her, but when you looked back at her, you finally took in her beauty. You always thought that she was pretty back in your school days, but hot damn, she only got prettier.


She furrowed her brows. "Huh? I asked for your number, dummy."

You rolled your eyes. "I was saying that you're pretty, dummy."

She snorted and shook her head. "Okay, okay, thanks, now can I please have your number now?" She asked again.

You raised an eyebrow. "Why? Do you wanna be friends or something?"

"Well... I don't know. But right now, I want it so I can challenge you to something," she declared.

You rolled your eyes for a second time and then facepalmed.

"Of course you do."

"Well? Your number, please? I don't have all day, you know?"

"Fine. You're on."

And all of that led you to this moment. Here you are, sitting on a cushion in Momo's living room. The two of you had just finished eating a meal, which she had invited you over for, but you knew that she had her challenge in mind.

"So, what are you challenging me in?"

She grinned. "Gaming!" She exclaimed. You found her quite adorable. "I've been playing a lot of games lately, and I know that you used to play games a lot as well."

You smirked and looked over at her. "Oh, so you remembered details about me, huh~?" You teased.

She turned red almost immediately. You giggled. "Don't worry, Hirai, I remembered a lot about you too. You're kind of unforgettable."

"Yah, leave me alone. Let's get on with it!"

"Well, what do I get if I win, and vice versa?" You questioned.

She sat in thought for a moment. "Hm... If I want, I want bragging rights and you have to treat me to jokbal anytime I want this month," she declared.

You pumped a fist into the air. "Then I want a kiss if I win!" You exclaimed as you leaned closer to her face, your noses almost touching.

She turned red again. "Whatever."

Twenty minutes later, Momo was staring at the TV screen, a dumbfounded expression on her face. You were trying to stifle your laughter as you set down your controller, but you ultimately burst out into a fit of laughter.

"I win!" You shouted happily.

She pouted. "That's not fair!" She whined.

You grinned. "Aw, don't be sad," you said as you pinched her cheek. "Can I kiss you now?" You asked.

She looked at you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, but eventually nodded slowly and turned her body to face you. You moved closer to her and were quick to cup her cheeks and lean forward.

"Are you sure this is okay with you?" You questioned quietly.

She cracked a smile, before doing something that caught you off guard. She kissed you first.

Although you were surprised at first, you slowly melted into the kiss and returned it happily. The two of you nearly got carried away, seeing as you now had her in your lap, holding her waist tightly, but the two of you soon parted.

She giggled. "You're a good kisser."

"You're not too bad yourself."


QOTD : who is your bias in twice?
AOTD : ...jihyo 🥺 she's so pretty and cute and awesome and hot 🤒

A/N : this request took me forever to get to, i'm sorry 😭 i'm trying to get through requests as quick as i can !! 🎀💖

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