jihyo › tenth member of twice

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Your knee bounced nervously as the van driving you and the girls pulled up to the airport.

You were currently in New York and on your way to get onto your flight back home to South Korea.

You felt a hand on your knee. You turned to your right and met Momo's concerned eyes.

"Y/N, are you alright? Why do you seem so nervous?" Momo asked.

You gulped and looked out the window. You hadn't shown or told anybody, but after scrolling through Twitter a couple of times, you came across several threats towards you; some saying that they were going to harm you at the airport, some explicitly describing how they were even going to end your life. You didn't know whether or not you should take them seriously, but you can't help but worry for not only your safety, but the safety of the girls as well.

"I-I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm just..." You quickly racked your brain for excuses to use. "I'm just super excited to go home. The NYC performance was tiring." You explained.

As you spoke, you felt eyes on you. Upon turning your head to look directly across from your seat, you found yourself locking eyes with Jihyo, who was watching you closely. You felt almost as if she could tell that your supposed excitement was actually anxiety.

You quickly looked away and focused your attention on the outside world.

Suddenly, the van door slid open and you were all met with the loud cheers and squeals and shouts from the fans that have gathered around to see you arrive and watch you leave.

You were the last to step out of the van behind Jihyo, who was still keeping an eye on you.

You gnawed at your bottom lip nervously as you all lined up at the entrance so that fans could take photos. The longer you stood there waiting, watching the girls smile and wave as you reluctantly did the same, the more the anxiety bubbled up in your stomach.

Eventually, it was time to walk through the crowd to catch your flight. This only made your nerves worse.

As soon as you began walking, you felt warmth envelope your hand. You looked down to see a hand holding yours. You let your eyes trail up and found that it was Jihyo. She offered you a small smile before leaning in to whisper in your ear, "Don't worry, it's okay."

You gazed into her eyes, melting under her warm, loving gaze. You squeezed her hand and nodded, taking a deep breath.

Then, you started walking. As you and the group walked, your eyes nervously darted around and you flinched every time a fan would get too close, but they were eventually pushed back by a guard.

Everything was going fine. Was.

You didn't see it coming. It was all of a sudden when you felt a fistful of your hair being grabbed. In the blink of an eye, you were violently yanked back and stumbling over your feet as you let out a scream. Your hand immediately shot up to your burning scalp.

"Ah!" After hearing your scream and being tugged back by your hand, Jihyo's head whipped around to look at you. Her eyes immediately widened. She instantly reached over you and you heard a smack resonated near your ears, and then your hair was freed.

Jihyo pulled you flush against her body as she shouted, "Hey, what the hell?!" Her voice was loud as many of the fans went silent or gasped after hearing your scream.

She continued with her eyebrows furrowed and her jaw clenched. "If I see another one of you assholes touching her or hurting her, I am not afraid to press charges and take your ass to court." She seethed.

Before she could snap at them any further, Jeongyeon and Nayeon grabbed her by the shoulders and quickly led the two of you to board the plane with the help of the guards. The rest of the girls followed, forming a circle around you.

When you finally boarded the plane some mintues later, you let (go of a few more tears) out a breath of relief and sat down in your seat, which was conveniently right beside Jihyo.

"Unnie." You mumbled, sniffling quietly.

Jihyo gave you a sympathetic gaze before gesturing you to come closer, "Oh, come here, my baby." She pulled you into her arms and stroked your hair. "Must've been really scary, no? Don't worry. As long as Unnie is with you, I won't let anyone hurt you again." She muttered against the crown of your head.

You nodded and snuggled closer to her warmth, feeling secure and safe.

"Thank you, Unnie."

"No problem, sweetheart. Anything for you."

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