hickey prank › HAEWON ver. (pt. one) (requested)

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It was a normal day for you. You woke up, got yourself ready for your usual university classes, ate a balanced breakfast, and then hopped on the bus to get to the school building. But before going into the building, you stopped by the small, family-owned café on campus, and ordered your usual drink to sip on throughout the day.

Here's where things took a turn. As soon as you walked into the building, you were pulled into the restroom by your senior, and long-time acquaintance, Shin Ryujin. You've known her since high school, and you don't really talk often due to conflicting schedules, but when you do, the atmosphere is always light and comfortable, so you would consider the two of you as friends.

"Sunbae," You muttered under your breath, confused. "What are you doing?" You asked.

You gave her a weird look when you noticed the look on her face. It was the face of someone up to no good.

‧₊˚ ♥︎

When you entered your first class of the day, a feeling of anxiety bubbled up in your gut. A big part of you was not excited for this class, but another part of you was. And that was the part of you that was ecstatic to see Oh Haewon in all of her beauty, since you shared this class with her. For a little over a year now, you've had a massive crush on your senior, and you take every opportunity you can get to admire her from afar.

The reason for the anxious feeling seemingly eating away at you was because of Ryujin's plans. Her idea was simple, but turned you into a metaphorical bundle of nerves; she wanted to play a hickey prank on Haewon to get back at the younger for sprinkling chili powder in her noodles when she had gotten up to use the restroom. You supposed you're essentially being used to get revenge. At first, you didn't understand why exactly she chose you, and you're skeptical about if what Ryujin told you is true or not, but she told you that she chose you to do this prank because Haewon supposedly has feelings for you. You immediately denied it, but before you could say no to the prank, Ryujin was already pulling out her makeup products.

Your face instantly lit up with a contagious smile when you made eye contact with Haewon. You felt all of your worries momentarily melt away at that moment. She waved at you with a friendly smile, and you returned the gesture, before making your way to your seat.

You took a deep breath as you scanned the room. It suddenly felt like it was a thousand degrees hotter than it reasonably should be, making you tug nervously at the collar of your yellow sweater. The plan was to get up and go over to Haewon and ask her for a pencil, hope that she sees the hickey, and then wait for her reaction.

So, with as much courage as you could muster up, you stood up from your seat. You walked stiffly up to Haewon, who looked up from her laptop with wide, curious eyes.

"Do you need something, Y/N?" She aksed, tilting her head.

You panicked. "No... I mean- Shit, sorry, yes! I do! I just, uh, I need a pencil. Yeah, a pencil." You stumbled terribly and helplessly over your words. You felt undeniably nervous about this whole situation-you don't even know why you took this task on anyway.

As subtly as you could, you raised your hand and scratched your neck. You watched carefully as her eyes followed your hand. You hate to admit it, but a part of you was curious about her reaction, no matter how much you thought you dreaded doing this. Your heart began hammer against your chest when you saw her face fall after seeing your neck, an upset frown spreading across her lips. Her eyebrows furrowed. She must've noticed the alleged hickey.

She exhaled deeply, almost sounding deflated, and handed you a pencil, no longer even making an attempt to hold eye contact with you. She looked as if she simply wanted you to go.

You took the pencil from her, biting your lip as you offered her a courteous bow and then walked off. You fanned your face with your hand as you made your way back to your desk.

You looked up and then let your eyes drift across the room, eventually meeting Ryujin's, as she gave you a look of sympathy. You looked away.


QOTD: Bias in NMIXX?
AOTD: I don't keep up with NMIXX as much as I want to (but I plan on it), but I'm Kyujin and Lily biased ✌🏼

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