jisoo › you never know (꽃)

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[ bullying, attempted/failed suicide ]


A heavy hand coming in contact with your face made you whimper. Another hit to the side of the head made you stumble to the right and trip over your feet, resulting in you colliding with the hardwood floor beneath you.

You peered up at your father through your clumped lashes, glassy, bloodshot eyes meeting his spiteful ones. You gave him a pleading look as your bottom lip trembled.

A scream pierced through the air of the quiet house as his fist came down once again.


You shut your eyes as you wandered around the empty school hallway. It was lunchtime, so everyone was eating in the cafeteria. You, on the other hand, had no lunch money, so, like you do everyday, you powered through the day on an empty stomach. You don't get breakfast either, and when it's time for dinner at your house, you would barely call what you get a meal.

So you've had to rely on your best friend to be fed. She sometimes brought you snacks during lunch. That's actually the reason you were in the hallway; you were waiting for Lisa to show up.

You lifted your head when you heard footsteps approaching you. Before you could comprehend anything, you were pushed into the wall behind you.

Your breath hitched as you looked into the eyes of Kim Jisoo, your bully and the one person in school you hate the most. And unfortunately also the one that you love the most, too. Yeah, when you say it out loud, it probably seems crazy since she physically and mentally hurts you, but you just can't help it. Yes, you're hurt and angry that she does these things to you, but at the same time, you've fallen in love with her smile, her laugh, her beauty, and her grace-when she's not picking on you, obviously.

"Hey, dork, you there?"

You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt Jisoo slapping the side of your head to gain your attention.

"What- What do you want, Sunbaenim?" You asked quietly.

For a moment, it looked almost as if a look of pity flashed across her face, but just as soon as it appeared, it was gone.

"Aish. Even hearing your voice gives me a headache." Jisoo scoffed. "I don't want anything. I just thought I should give you a little... reminder."

Then the rest was a blur.


It was the next day now.

The air whipped past your face, blowing your hair to the left as you looked down at all the students leaving the school. The smooth railing was cold and firm in your grip.

This was your final plan for the day. Soon, after going through with this, you would have no more worries. Nobody to try to make proud, nobody to prove yourself to, nobody to fear, nobody to treat you in the way that you don't deserve. Everyone would be free from you, and you would be free from them. A win-win, no?

You slowly threw one leg over the railing, so caught up in your actions that you failed to hear the roof door being slammed open. Failing to notice the hurried footsteps approaching you.

Just as you were about to repeat your actions with the other leg, you were violently yanked off of the railing. In the blink of an eye, your body collided with another's. In a daze, you looked up and met none other than Kim Jisoo's worried gaze. Her arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, keeping you from moving although you were squirming around in her iron grip.

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