kim chaewon › the deep end

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A/N: Firstly, I love Chaewon haha. Secondly, really random but thank you for 17K reads and all of the votes, and the comments, too-I love reading them. I love you all and really appreciate the support. ❤ Thirdly, wish me luck, besties, I'm about to confront a guy and end the "friendship" (I put quotations bc we aren't really friends. Long story short, he's really aggressive and crossed a boundary, and I'm kinda scared of what his reaction might be when I break it off (for obvious reasons), but I'm gonna do it anyway, so let's all hope I turn up unscathed TT Again, I love you guys. ♡

>>> ALSO, I'm gonna have to ask that everyone holds off on requests, bc I'm for real closing them this time for the time being bc I have a shit ton of stuff to write for multiple books, so I hope that's okay. But if you do have something you want me to write, comment right HERE please and I'll come back to it in the future. 💟

Enjoy 🍿


[ attempted drowning(/murder?) and harmful pranking ]


You nervously entered the pool area with your bag in one hand, and your towel in the other.

Why nervously, one may ask? Well, because of the lifeguard that's currently on shift. You've been going to this pool for years, probably around ten years, and never have you seen a lifeguard this gorgeous. Like, you really weren't exaggerating when you say that she is the most beautiful being you've ever been blessed to see in real life, because it's just a fact. So it would be safe to say that you have a tiny (big) crush on her. Love at first sight, really. The only problem was that you still didn't know her name, even though she started the job a month ago (for context, you go swimming at this pool at least three times a week). And, you don't even know if she's into girls or not, which was the real bummer for you.

Your eyes darted around, looking around for the cute lifeguard, and you absentmindedly smiled when you caught her helping a child retrieve a toy that he dropped in the four-foot pool. Your brain, however, nearly shut down when she looked up after finishing the task, and she caught you staring at her. What made your situation worse (better), was the fact that she winked at you. She fucking winked.

You squealed to yourself and ran away to set your stuff down on a chair, hoping that your red cheeks would simmer down eventually.

You started your day off great. So great. You got out of bed, you ate a nice breakfast, you did some exercising, and then you came to the pool. You started the day off on a very positive foot. And that's exactly why you're upset that your mood, as well as your hopes for ending the day positively, just came crashing down. Washed down the drain, essentially.

The reason: boys. To be specific, the boys from your music theory class at Seoul International University. It was a group of four boys, two Koreans, one American, and one Canadian. And they're all fluent in the language and art of being intolerable assholes towards you and a lot of other girls in your school, unfortunately.

So when one of them approached you, the American named Jack, you couldn't help but to roll your eyes.

"What's up, short stuff?" He asked. You were simply walking back to your chair to set down your water bottle that you just refilled.

You ignored his question and squatted down next to your chair to put your bottle back in its designated pocket. You gasped loudly when you felt a hand come in contact with your ass, and the somewhat loud sound of a slap filled your ears, and the ears of the scarce amount of people hanging out at the pool. They must've thought that the two of you were a couple, though, because nobody did anything.

"What the hell?" You seethed, shooting up and standing face-to-face with him. You shot him a mean glare, hoping that he would back off and leave you alone.

But he didn't. They didn't.

You yelped quietly when you felt both of your arms being grabbed by two different people. You looked at both of your sides. Kim Sungjae and Son Chansung. You thrashed around in their grip, not wanting to start yelling at them and cause a scene-although maybe that really would be best for your benefit.

You assumed that the few people around you probably made the assumption that these boys were just your playful friends from school, who're just messin' around with you and having a good laugh. This was definitely not a good laugh.

As you were being carried, you felt eyes on you. You looked up and locked eyes with the lifeguard that you've hopelessly fallen in love with (okay, maybe that fact is not so important at the moment). She was looking back at you with skeptical eyes, almost as if she were trying to deduce whether or not you were okay. So you can imagine the look of surprise on her face when you mouthed help me.

And one can only imagine the look of surprise on your own face when you witnessed her jump down from her post and start booking it towards you and the boys. And the boys must've noticed because they picked up their pace. Instead of leisurely walking, taking their sweet time to get to the pool they wanted to throw you in, now, they were running as well.

You gasped when you saw the pool they were planning on throwing you in. The deep, deep end. In other words, you're up for certain death. Assuming that they actually throw you in, you risk sinking, or better yet, simply drowning because you can't swim for shit. Yeah. You know how you mentioned that you come here to swim at least three times a week? Well, by swim, you actually meant you come here to sit in the shallow water and relax and destress from a day at uni. And stare at the pretty lifeguard.

"Y-Yah! Yah, put me down, you numbskulled, idiotic, stupid, nuts for brains!" You screamed.

Then you heard another voice. "Hey! Put her down right now!"

Obviously, the boys didn't listen. Instead, they went ahead and threw you in.

You had no time to process what was happening. Before you knew it, you submerged into the water, surrounded by it. It was above you, below you, around you-it was everywhere. You panicked and began to flail around, most definitely not helping your situation.

You were barely hanging onto your consciousness when you felt arms wrap around you and pull you up and out of the water. As painful as it sounds, you couldn't have been more relieved when you were thrown back onto the pavement. Over your heavy breathing, you heard another body collapse next to yours.

You couldn't say when the waterworks started, but you slowly started to cry. You lied there, on your back, chest heaving up and down as tears began to pour from your red eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's alright. You're okay, those assholes are gone now."

You took in sharp intakes of air as the lifeguard pulled you into her embrace, cradling you against her chest and holding your shivering body closely to hers. She held you tightly, rocking your bodies back and forth in an attempt to soothe you, all while glaring at the boys who threw you in, who were breaking down in laughter.

"It's just you and me, don't cry, please." She whispered. You looked up at her with watery, bloodshot eyes and pouted lips, making her heart ache. You were just about to cry again, until she said her next words.

"I'm Chaewon, cutie." She whispered to you. "Don't think about them. Just focus on me and my voice."

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