an yujin › seventh member of ive

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You and the girls sat around the table as you were guest-starring on an episode of a radio show.

Throughout the episode, you noticed that the host would choose you as a target for underhanded comments, but none of the girls noticed-or they just laughed them off, thinking they were jokes. You didn't find them very funny, however. In fact, you wanted nothing more than to leave the room.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard your name being mentioned.

"Yes," Liz hummed as she answered the host. "Our Y/N loves tteokbokki the most. She eats it a lot." She chuckled and looked at you with a cute smile.

You smiled back, but it quickly fell when you heard the host's response, "I bet she does." He laughed and clapped his hands, Wonyoung copying his actions and throwing her head back. You frowned and looked down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers.

Across the table, Yujin occasionally took glances at you and noticed that you looked upset. It wasn't until the host made a certain comment that she realized why.

"Y/N," The host called out. You looked up and smiled at him, letting him know that you were listening. "I heard that you're the member who slacks off the most. Is it true? And Liz mentioned that you eat tteokbokki a lot. Shouldn't girls like you watch what you eat? You need to stay pretty and slim, don't you?" The host questioned, pulling an innocent face as he rested his head on his palm.

You bit your lip and immediately looked down. When you looked back up, regardless of the barely noticeable tears brimming your eyes, you tried to keep your voice from cracking as you responded. "Y-You know me." You joked. "I try to keep up. My members here are just so talented!" You praised, turning to Leeseo, who was seated to your right, and patting her head. "And yes, maybe I should consider cutting back on my food intake. I'll keep that in mind, thank you!" You gave the host a disingenuous smile before leaning back in your chair.

Yujin leaned forward in hers, cutting off the host, Kim Jungwoo, who was about to respond.

( A/N: this is NOT jungwoo from nct. i repeat, this is NOT jungwoo from nct !! )

"Sorry to interrupt, Jungwoo-nim, but I just remembered that Y/N asked me to touch up her makeup halfway through. May we be excused?" She asked.

You looked over at her. You were confused but you didn't let it show on your face. She stared back at you with an intense look until she turned back to Jungwoo.

Jungwoo bit his tongue and nodded with a tight-lipped smile. "Of course. Come back quickly." He spoke.

With that, you and Yujin stood from your seats and exited the room together. Once you were out of the room and in the hallway, you let out a breath of relief. It felt as if you couldn't breathe in that room full of insults.

Yujin led you down the hallway and to the small restroom at the end of it. She ushered you in and shut the door behind her.

As soon as the door was closed and locked, you turned away from her and faced the wall as tears brimmed your eyes. With your back to Yujin, you sniffled and covered your eyes as the tears slowly cascaded down the smooth surface of your cheeks.

"Oh, baby." You heard Yujin come up from behind, then you felt her arms loop around your waist. She held you close as she rested her head on your shoulder. "I'm so sorry I didn't notice what he was doing sooner. So sorry." She apologized.

You had no idea why, though.

"I-It's not your fault." You hiccuped. Your bottom lip trembled as you spoke. "It's not like he was wrong anyway." You scoffed to yourself and leaned back in Yujin's arms.

You felt Yujin's hands slide down to settle on your hips, before you were abruptly turned around to face her.

She looked at you with a stern expression as she gently cupped your jaw. "Baby, you know that's not true. So what if you eat a lot of tteokbokki? I think you look super cute when you do." She kissed your nose with a small smile on her lips. "And who cares if you're a bit chubby? As long as you're healthy and you can sing and dance, you shouldn't worry about it. And who cares about the opinion of some radio show host? You shouldn't. His opinion of you doesn't define who you are, or your worth. To me, you're worth so much. You're priceless. Hold yourself even higher than that." She said.

She rested her forehead against yours as you sniffled. You giggled and wrapped your arms around her neck.

"And you're amazing," She pressed a kiss to your lips. "Beautiful," Another one. "Talented," Another one. "Smart," Another one. "And all mine." And another one.

She bit her lip and smiled as she held you closer and tickled your sides. Giggles slipped past your lips as she did so. After a few seconds, when she finally let you breathe, you buried your face in her neck.

"I love you." You whispered against her skin, giving it a loving kiss.

She stroked your hair with one hand, while the other rested on the small of your back. "I love you more. Now let's go back in there and show that guy what IVE stands for!" She cheered.

You chuckled as she led you out of the restroom.

How did you get so lucky?

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