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"Should we wake her?" I heard Kristin say.

""I don't know but she is so cute when she sleeps." Dane said.

"I don't want to leave her without telling her." I was still barely asleep but I could hear everything and I planned to stay asleep.

"Well we could sleep over here."

"That sounds good."


My eyes fluttered open. I looked around the living room to see on one couch Kristin. She was barely on the couch, she was falling off. It was too funny. I giggled to myself. I over to the recliner chair. There Dane was upside down in it. I laughed harder. A little to loud because they both woke up with a jolt and both fell off on their heads. I laughed so hard I started to choke. They both stood up rubbing their heads. I laughed even harder. I fell off the couch and landed on the coffee table, still laughing. "Y-yall. Yall h-have know know c-clue how f-funny that that was." I said choking out words. Saying almost everything twice. Then it hit me. i stopped laughing and sat up wide eyed. "I have work!" I shrieked. I jumped up and ran to my room. I changed into my black pants and my plain red shirt. I threw on my name tag and brushed my teeth. I threw my now a fresh new dark dark dark red hair into a high ponytail and rushed to the door. Yes I darken it every time I have a problem. I feel like I'm losing that problem by become farther away from the me then. I grabbed my keys. "Lock up for me will ya?" I asked Dane and Kristin. They both nodded and I rushed out the door to my car.


I rushed into the door of Forever 21 and went straight into the back. I put my stuff up and went back out. There were already tons of people in the store. I went over to the cash register I pushed a few buttons and reached under the counter and got a cute little red bow. I took down my hair and put it in my hair like the other workers. "Hey wear are the tank tops located?" A tall girl with black hair asked. I pointed over to a shelf. "Thanks." She walked away. A few more customers walked up and I rang up their items and helped them out.

A tall boy came over and placed both of his hands on the counter. "Where can I find the bow ties?" I looked up into his emerald green eyes. His brown curly hair was so cute.

"Bow ties?"

"Yes. Can't a guy just buy a bow tie?" He smiled.

"No. Who wears those anymore?"

"Well I do."

"Well sorry you need to get with the times!" I snapped my fingers. He laughed.

"Well hey why don't I get your number and we can discuss a new wardrobe for me?" I smiled.

"Well, first give me your best pick up line." I smirked.

"Are you my appendix? Because I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I should take you out." I laughed.

"Ok ok. That was good. But sorry I have a boyfriend. But I do know one girl." He nodded.

"Well I have to use that on her."

"She'll love it." I scribbled on a piece of paper. "Here's my number. Text me later."

"Ok.... He looked at my name tag Memphis. Talk to you later."

"You too..."


"You too Harry." He waved goodbye and I waved back.

I was reading a magazine when someone placed a dark grey tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans on the table. It was a man I could tell by his hands. I looked up to see who I didn't. Niall. He was looking down at his wallet pulling out his credit card. I quickly turned around to face the shelves behind me and pretended to get something. I grabbed a bag to put his stuff in. I then made the decision to pretend I didn't recognize him. I turned around and opened the bag and scanned his items. "Did you find everything ok?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes just fi-" he coughed. I knew he realized who I was. I continued my work and placed his bag on the counter. "Ne" he finished. He stuck out his hand for me to take the card.

Left and ForgottenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang