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I cautiously reached for the card. I let my fingers grab the plastic. As I tried to pull away he grabbed my wrist with his other hand. He gripped it hard. "Finn I know it's you. Please look at me." His voice was shaky.

"My name is not Finn." I hissed through gritted teeth.

"Hey babe." I looked up to see Dane walking through the door. I ripped from his grip, swiped his card and handed him the receipt.

"Thanks for shopping at forever 21. Have a nice day and come again." I said in my fake cheery voice and fake smile. Dane walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Niall watched in shock. Dane wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"I just came to see my sweetie before I go into work." He said. His breath tickled my neck.

"Ok well I'll see you at lunch baby. I love you."

"Love you too." He walked out the back towards the sports store. I turned to Niall.

"Look there's nothing to talk about so why don't you get going." I said. With that I turned around and walked off into the back room.

As soon as I walked in the room my phone went off. I picked it up.

Unknown number:
Hey! :) it's Harry. I saw that thing between you and Niall. Txt me when you go to lunch so we can talk.

I changed his name.

Pick up liner:
Ok. It's no biggy but whatever.

I laughed at his new nickname. I set down my phone and looked out the one way window. I could see the customers but they couldn't see me. I could see Niall resting on the counter with his head down. One hand held his head and the other held a small sliver object. My bracelet. His hand rose up to his chest and the 2 metal charms clicked together. My eyes filled with tears.

I quickly clocked out for lunch and headed out the back door. I pulled out my phone and texted Harry and Dane.

Aye love! I'm ready for lunch. I'm headed to Subway. See you there.

Pick up liner:
Headed to Subway if you want to talk.

I walked right into Subway and took a seat to wait in a booth.

After a little while I heard Harry come in the door. He jumped next to me. "Duck down now. Niall followed me here. I'm gonna make him leave." His accent was slow and smooth. It was slight calming. I ducked in the booth hiding my head when I heard the restraunt door open. "Hey mate, can I have a lunch alone? My head really hurts and I just need some time." Harry spoke.

"Aw come on Hazza!" Niall said.

"Ni." I could hear the face he was giving him. The serious begging face.

"Fine fine. Whatever." He didn't sound said at all but I knew deep down inside he was. Then I heard the door open and shut. Then Harry appeared.

"Ok. I'll go get the food what do you want?"

"A foot long, Italian bread, roast beef, with cheesed cheese." He looked at me weirdly.

"A foot long?"

"Yes. Me and Dane always split it." He nodded and walked off. I waited a few minutes then Dane walked in the door. "Hey baby." I said. He came over and sat next to me.

"Hey babe. Did you go get the food yet?" He grabbed my hand and intertwined my fingers. He kissed my hand.

"No. Harry went to go get it." Dane straightened up. Tension running through him.

"Harry?" He said a little scary like. I knew he was just protective though.

"Don't worry. Harry is just a new friend I met a little while ago. He knows Niall and wants to talk about something that happened. Trust me we already established I had a boyfriend." He loosened up.

"Good." Harry suddenly appeared and sat across from us handing is the food.

"Harry this is Dane. Dane this is Harry." They shook hands, exchanged heys and friendly smiles. Harry then turned to me.

"Tell me about you and Niall." I took a breath.

"Ok well ever since I was born we knew each other because our parents knew each other. We grew up together. We did everything together. We were such good friends even when we knew what you-know-what was we still had sleepovers and junk. One day I was told I had to move here. I was about 13, 14. I don't know. Well he started to show signs that we should date and junk. He tried to hold my hand. And he started to do romantic stuff. I pushed away it all so it won't be hard on the move. Well when we moved he kissed me. Which really was bad. Then after the move he came to see my game and I ended up in the hospital. He kissed me again when he left. He didn't call, text, Dm, Skype, nothing. He shut me out. That was the first time I colored my hair. As I told Dane, everytime I have a problem I change my hair to a darker red to get away from the "old" me who had that problem. Then Kristin finally got me out of my room to watch the X factor. We watched her cousin, Louis, sing then Niall came on. I called him and asked him how he was. I pretended I didn't know he went on TV. That was the first time he called me by my full name. I hate it when people call me Finn now. He said good, so I asked can he Skype. He lied. He said he was studying for finals. I asked him why his was lying and he denied the lie. So I blew up on him and dyed my hair. Then I saw him at that concert and it went from there." I was near to tears but didnt let them fall. Dane rubbed the back off my hand calmly. Harry nodded.

"Ok I see so he just left you and pretty much forgot you. So you were left and forgotten."

Left and ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now