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Niall sat me down in a chair in the center of the room. He sat next to me and everyone started to file in and take their seats. Harry stepped up on the small stage. He tapped the microphone and smiled. "Ok well I was told by my girlfriend that I was starting the speeches so here I am. Ok anyway, a many years ago I met Niall on the X factor and Simon," he looked over at him. "Put us together in a boy band and we became One Direction. We had some of the best times of our lives and we are gonna continue that." Everyone cheered. "But he was my best friend and we went through a lot together. I'm so glad he reunited with Memphis because those first few years were rough with him always missing her. But now he married her!" Everyone cheered and he stepped down from the stage. Then Kristin stepped up.

"Ever since I was in 1st grade I knew Memphis and Niall. We were good friends for a while and she always had the biggest crush on him and he had the biggest crush on her. But I couldn't tell them because I promised them I wouldn't tell the other. You don't know how tough that was! But that day I left I hopped that they would come together. But when she moved to Alabama she told me they didn't. She moved on as best as should could but he just stuck there. I knew something like this would end up and it did and I couldn't be happier." Everyone clapped and she stepped off the stage.

All the other boys did there speeches and the girls too. It was my turn and I went on the stage and grabbed the mic. "Ok where do I start? Well Niall and I were friends since birth. We had the best times together. One day Niall and I were swimming around in a pool and that's when I realized Hey! I like Niall! It was just that feeling you get inside that you know I want to be with this person forever. I told Kristin right away and she just laughed it off. But little did I know Niall said the same thing to her that day. And that day I moved I've never felt more pain. He was there when my dad died and through all the others dips in life. When I moved I did try to let him go but he didn't leave. I even dated a nice boy who turned out to be a jerk. That day I saw him again I felt joy but it hurt because he stopped contacting me to protect me. But now I'm here with the love of my life!" I saw his eyes water and he met me onstage. I handed him the mic and took my seat.

"Ok everything she just said I planned on saying pretty much so I'm just gonna move on." He picked up his guitar and fixed the mic to where he could reach it while sitting down. His fingers strummed the guitar. The other boys joined him and they sang little things. Sara and Sophia dragged Kristin to where Niall was sitting.

When they got done Niall spoke. "That was for my new wife." Harry stepped from the stage and came to Kristin and went to one knee. He took Kristins hand and with the other she covered her mouth and a few tears slipped.

"And for you. Ever since Memphis told me to talk to you that time in the store I've wanted to be with you forever. Your the light of my world and I love you very much." He pulled out a ring. "Kristin will you marry me?" She nodded and jumped onto his arms. He slipped on the ring and kissed her. Everyone hollered and cheered. Niall came and stood next to me.

"Best wedding ever."

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