17 part 1

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The boys and I are very close now. But what surprises me is everything we did I did a great job avoiding Niall. Harry and Kristin are really hitting it off. Me and Dane are having a few fights but they're not bad at all, but they are pulling us apart. Today is my birthday and I am having an alone day at home. Well that was until I got a text.

The sass master:
Hey Birthday Girl!!!! What are you up too?

The sass master:
Thanks. And uh nothing just taking a chill day.

The sass master:
Well then get ready and get in the car outside.

I looked out the front window and saw a gray Mercedes parked in my drive way.

The sass master:
What are you thinking Tomlinson?

The sass master:
You'll see.

I walked up stairs and got into a blue "food" shirt and a cute little white skirt. I slipped on some white sandal things and went into the bathroom. I put my hair in a cute ponytail with the ends curled. My red hair shined in the light. I walked outside and slide into the car. I was greeted by a hyper Louis. "Hey!" He said. I gave him a hug as the car drove off.


"I'm glad you were free. I thought you'd be out with Dane." He gave me a curious look.

"No. We uh are sorta having our differences." I said looking at the floor.

"Eh that's ok. Your gonna love today." For the rest of the ride me and Louis scream/sang the songs that were on the radio and laughed till we cried or hurt.

After a while we pulled up to the mall. Me and Louis climbed out and met up with Liam. "Liam!" I yelled racing into his arms for a hug.

"Hey birthday girl!" He said hugging me. He gave me a bright smile. "So are you ready for the rest of the day?" I nodded. "Good now go in that store," he pointed to Macy's. "And get some clothes so I can buy them for you." He smiled. I looked around but I didn't see Louis.

"Where's Louis?"

"Don't worry about it! Now go!"he shoved me into the store.

I got a few outfits and went into different stores. "Now go in there and get a swim suit!" Liam said pushing me into a Charlotte Russe.

"But I have swimsuits at home!"

"Well you need a new one! Go!"

"Ok ok chill!" I walked into the he store and scanned the racks. I found a mint green, super cute bikini. It was a frilly top that hung down a little and plain bottoms. I tried it on and walked out to meet Liam. His jaw dropped. "How's this?" I said walking in a circle.

"It looks great!" I shrugged.

"Are you sure? I feel really exposed and just big."

"Hey! Don't be insecure about your body! You look amazing! Don't let people tell you other wise!"

"Sorry. It's just it's hard to get what my old bullies told me. I'm trying though." He gave me a hug.

"Well push what they said aside. You look stunning." I smiled brightly. This is the best I've ever felt about my body. I've always been insecure and Niall told me not to but I didn't listen. I finally realized that I am perfect the way I am. (A/N: I had no idea I was gonna but that about the body thing! It just happened. But I'm listening to Gold by Britt Nicole and I just thought I should add something like that bc that's how I feel some times. And I hv learned to except it and you guys should to. Everyone is perfect in their own way! No one is ugly or imperfect!)

After we had our shopping spree Liam and I headed out to eat. We decided to go eat at Tazikis because I have never been. When we pulled up I tot he parking lot and there at the entrance was Harry. "Hazza Bear!" I said walking up to him. He gave me a big hug and opened the door for me.

"Hey miss. Birthday girl. Let's eat I'm starving." We walked over to a table and sat down.

We laughed, talked and joked. When we are we still made each other laugh. After we were done i went to the bathroom, but when I came out Liam was missing. I just shrugged it off. I then linked arms with Harry and we walked to the car. "Are you ready for the next surprise?" I nodded as the car sped off.

We arrived at the movies. "What are we coming to see?" I asked.

"Advengers Age of Ultron!" He said cheerfully. I just laughed as we walked to find some seats.

After the movie me and Harry headed to Starbucks. When we got there I saw Kristin waiting at the door. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug "I thought you had a concert!"

"I lied to surprise you!" I smiled.

"Aww that's amazing! Thanks! Same to you Ha-" I turned around to thank Harry but he was gone. "What's going on? I'm just being passed down person to person!"

"You'll see." She said winking at me. We went into Starbucks and talked about her and Harry and other girl stuff. Then we headed out. But she wouldn't tell me where.

We drove up to a hotel and went to the top floor that had a pool on it. It was dark out side so I couldn't see anything. She guided me into the darkness of the night. Then she disappeared. I was alone at night in the dark. "Kristin?!" I called. No answer. Where'd she go?!

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