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I woke up to a strong arm wrapped around my waist. I shifted in my bed till I could see Nialls sleeping face. Wait he wasn't here last night. We came back and went to our own houses. I fell asleep alone, I swear if it. I slowly moved his arm and hopped out of bed. I looked around the room. Niall had a bag laying on the floor and his flip flops were at the window. I looked at the window which was left ajar and a soft summer breeze flew in. I guess that's how he got in. I took a deep breath in and exhaled. "Ok it's too early." I softly said to myself. I carefully crept back into the bed and scooted to Niall. He realized I was by him and he pulled me to him not opening a eye. "Niall?" I whispered.

"Mm." He mumbled.

"Just checking." I just wanted to hear his morning voice. He chuckled ever so slightly making my body shake.

"Happy birthday baby." He whispered back. I smiled big.

"Thank you." After that my eyes lids grew heavy till the point where I could no longer hold them open. Instantly I was back asleep.

I was suddenly shook awake by a heavy body. I opened one eye to see Niall flashing a smile at me. He was currently sitting on me while shaking me awake. "Niall! Niall stop!" He stopped and looked at me happily. "Can I please sleep?" He shook his head vigorously.

"Nope get ready." I raised one eye brow.


"Get ready we are going somewhere."

After getting ready I walked down to the living room. Niall was sitting comfortably at the couch with Eden watching a show on the tv. "You ready to go?" Niall said turning to me.

"Yep!" I grabbed my purse from the rack. He patted Eden on the head saying a goodbye and met me at the door. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere." He smirked and opened the door like a gentleman, letting me out first.

"Niall." I whined. "I don't like surprises." He winked at me.

"Well your gonna love this one."

We started walking. His hand was over my eyes. "Niall I swear, if I run into something I'm blaming you and your paying for my medical bill."

"Ok." He said. I huffed and we kept walking. "Ok now look." he moved his hand away to reveal under a tall willow tree at our lake was a sheet hanging above a pallet of blankets. There was strings of lights hanging above. There was a laptop sitting on a lap desk, sitting in the ground. It had snacks and Disney movies strewn about.

"Niall." I gasped. "It's amazing!"

"Well come on." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me under the the tent and sitting me on a pillow. He popped in The Pirates of The Caribbean into the DVD player and laid back next to me. We cuddled up together. "This is what I'm gonna miss." he said.

"Yea me too."

"You'll come and watch some of my football games right?" He asked not looking at me. Only watching the laptop.

"Of course. You'll come see some of my volleyball ones right?" I said.



"I have something for you." Niall said scrambling to his feet. He came back a second later with a big box. And I mean BIG.

"Niall what they heck? Wait I didn't even get you anything! I can't except this gift!" I said putting my hand out in front of me.

"Yea ya can! Your happiness is my gift. Got it?" My heart felt so full. I nodded and reached for the bow tied around the big brown box. "It's the 10 gifts thing. You go 1 through 10." I ripped open the box. There was one big long box inside but it was listed 10. I pulled out the smaller box listed 1. I opened it. Inside was a small charm. It was a volleyball it had #93 in craved on it. My number for volleyball. I put it on my best friends forever bracelet. This is how the rest of the gifts were:
2. Little gel pens for my designs, writing music, volleyball plays and score, and drawings.
3. Song writing notebook with different colored volleyballs and footballs on it.
4. Derby county jerseys and sweat shirts.
5. A new pair of red vans
6. A phone case that had a pic of the sunset from the other day
7. A pillow case that has a together forever saying
8. A music sheet stand
9. A Tervis cup that had a M on it.
I slowly pulled out the heavy number 10 box. I opened it then looked at Niall.

"You didn't."

"Oh I did." I just stared in awe at the keyboard. I played a few notes. It sounded amazing.

"Oh my gosh Niall!" I jumped up and hugged him. "This is the best gift ever!"

"Now you can write me a song while you aren't here with me."

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I sighed.

"I'm gonna miss you too, way too much."

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