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I woke up to 2 hyper kids bouncing on my bed. "Get up! Get up!" They shouted.


"Yea come one its Christmas!" Eden yelled.

"Yea we have the best surprise for you!" Laynie said. Eden shot her a glare. She blushed. "Sorry." She mumbled.

"Ok well you guys go downstairs I'll be down there in a minute." They jumped off me and raced downstairs. "But be quite! I want to let Bailey sleep!" I went into the bathroom and looked at my cute PJs I was wearing. The had little Santas all over the top and reindeer all over the pants. I brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth. I went into mine and Laynies closet and went over to where I put everything of Niall and me. Except for the pictures, they were all over my wall. I put everything on a shelf. All of our stuff had its own self. I went straight to one of his hoodies and threw it on. It still smelled like him.

I went to the stairs and heard the kids laughing and tearing open presents. I was at the top of the stairs about to go down when I called out to them. "I'm coming to see my surprise!" I said all giddy inside. They knew I needed a new volleyball and wanted it signed by one of the players from the U of A team. I was really excited. They shuffled around a little.

"Come on down!" Eden called. I came down the stairs and rounded the corner. I looked over to the tree. I saw both of the children smiling like idiots and a tall man standing next to them. He had brown roots and blonde hair which was in a cute little quiff. He was wearing a Derby County t shirt and grey sweat pants. He had a bright smile that made me giddy on the inside. He had the brightest blue eyes too. I smiled and let the happiness flood out. Tears stung my eyes and fell down my cheeks. "Niall!!" I screamed running up to him. I jumped into his arms and he held me tight. His arms strongly wrapped around my waist and my arms around his neck. He picked me up so my legs were around his waist. I cried into his shoulder. "I missed you." I said.

"I missed you to Princess." I smiled. I looked into his bright eyes and he set me down. He leaned in and our lips touched. We shared a passionate kiss. It erupted butterflies in my stomach. We both smiled into the kiss.

"Eww!" Both the kids shouted. We pulled away and our foreheads were touching.

"I missed that." I said.

"Me too." He kissed my nose and we looked at the kids who had disgust written on their faces. We both laughed and I sat on the couch and Niall sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"So did you guys set this up?" I asked the kids. They looked up at me.

"Yep. The other day when you dropped us off at school Sara, and Kristin came and picked us up and took us back to Sara's house and we discussed the plan then skyped Niall and talked about it." Eden smiled brightly.

"Well thank you." I said. "When do you have to go back Niall?"

"3 days. And I can't go outside." He frowned.

"It's ok. I'll stay in too. I don't have anywhere to go anyway." He smiled. He reached into his over night back that was next to him and pulled out a small wrapped box. I slowly pulled off the paper and opened the box. Inside was a green and pink volleyball with a signature on the side. It was signed by my favorite volleyball player. Number 13, Krystal Rivers. "No way!" I squealed. "She's my fav!"

"Now open the other thing." He said pointing back in the box. I reached in and a there was a smaller box. I opened it and pulled out a microphone charm for my bracelet.

"Aww!" I said. I slipped it in the bracelet which I wear even if they said not to. "Thanks Niall!" I gave him a big hug. I turned to the kids who were sprawled across the floor playing with some of the toys. "Laynie go to the back of the tree and had me the 2 boxes for Niall." I said. She crawled under the tree and came back out with them. "I was gonna wait till the time was up. But your here so go on." I handed him the boxes. He opened the first one and a huge smile formed on his face. He pulled out the white Supras with his signature on the side.

"How did you do that?"

"I know someone who can but anything on a shoe. I told him to do your signature and he did! Now open the other." He ripped open the other one and pulled out the DC flat bill I saw him eyeing the last time we went shopping together. He gave me a big hug.

"Thanks so much!"

"Your so welcome!"

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