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Ok here it is! The big surprise! Ahhhhhhh!

Today was the day. Today was the day Niall comes back. I was already dressed and ready to get to the airport. I couldn't wait. I was rushing the kids to get dressed because I just wanted to go. "Come on kids!" I already had Bailey ready. I was holding her on my hip. "Laynie put Tommo in his crate!" Finally they came down the stairs. We all headed out to the car and drove off.

When we arrived at the airport Dawson, Maci, Sara, Taylor, Dallas, Sophia, and Kristin were all waiting. Sophia and Kristin are here to see Harry and Liam again and the rest are here just to support us. I put Bailey in her stroller and gave it to Taylor. I don't want to look like a teen mom for the press. I let Laynie and Eden just walk by my side.

We got to where we were going to meet them. We waited patiently for what seemed like hours. The kids were starting to get restless and I was half asleep. Finally we heard tons of girls screaming signaling they were here. I stood up and looked over the crowd to see them. There were flashes everywhere. I knew the paps has found me and know that I'm waiting for the boys. "HEY HEY MEMPHIS! LOOK HERE! WHY ARE YOU HERE?! DO YOU STILL LIKE NIALL?! ARE THOSE YOUR KIDS?!" I ignored the questions over my excitement. I could see the top of Nialls head. I went racing towards him.

"Niall! Niall!" I yelled. I finally got to him after pushing through the teenage girls. "Niall!" I squealed. He picked me up and spun me around. It ended with a bone crushing hug. We looked at each other. His blue eyes glowed with happiness. It's like the world around us just disappeared. He leaned in and closed his eyes and I followed. My hands around his neck and his arms around my waist. Our lips touched and it was different than the kisses I've had before with him. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and fireworks shot through my body. There was a spark. We pulled away and he was holding both of my hands.

"Hey Finn." He said it like we just met the other day. I giggled.

"Hey Niall." He smiled. Then he let go of one of my hands and went down on one knee. My eyes started to water up and everything went in slow motion. He pulled out a small blue velvet box. He looked back in my eyes. Mine were all watery.

"Memphis Casey Williams, I've known you since birth and it's crazy to think we've gotten this far." He laughed a little. "When we were little I had the biggest crush on you but I didn't think you liked me back. We had the best childhood and then you had to leave and it broke my heart. Then I went to the X factor and I was scared that I would hurt you somehow. Then I found you again and I just felt my heart fill up with love." I was full on crying now. "I've never really gotten to tell you how much I love you. Memphis I love you with all my heart. I am head over heels in love with you. I never want to leave you again. Ever. I know your just going to college and this is a big step but we won't do anything extreme till your ready. But Finn will you marry me?" He opened up the small box and showed me the ring. It was gorgeous. I nodded.

"Yes! I million times yes! In every language yes!" He stood up and slipped the ring on my finger.

"She said yes!" He yelled. The fans and press went crazy. I laughed. He turned and looked back into my eyes. He wiped the tears away with his thumb. His forehead was touching mine. "I love you Memphis."

"I love you too Niall. I love you too." With that we kissed once more. It had more passion and love in it than any other. During the kiss I locked out charms together. I was marrying my prince and he was marrying his princess.

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