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HEY GUYS!! Ok so in this chapter Niall and Finn go repelling. It's so much fun and I did it 5 times at a place called true adventure sports in Fort Payne, Alabama. I had a blast. The cliff I went off of was 80 ft and it's the same cliff that girl in the video goes off of. The same guys the same company and junk. There are many ways you can do it. I bounced off the wall but this girl walked down. No I don't know this girl I just found her video. So yep! Enjoy!

We drove up to a camp site. "Omg! It's my old camp! I went here one week every summer!" I yelled super excited.

"Yea those were the worst weeks for me." Niall said. Kristin shoved us out of the car.

"I'm glad you guys wore white." Niall and I have her a worried look. She pulled us along the rocky road to an open room. When we went for camp it was the cafeteria but the tables were gone. All there was in there was a twister game set up with a blob of paint on each circle. "Now go get ready." Niall and I slipped off our shoes and got on different sides of the mat on the floor. Kristin spun the spinner.

"Your going down Horan."

"Oh I don't think so Williams."

"Right foot red." Kristin said. Niall and I both stuck our feet in the red paint. I squealed at the coldness of it. "Left hand green." We both put our hands in the green.

"Right hand yellow." Kristin said. I took my blue cover hand and stuck it in the yellow and Niall did the same but he had to reach under me and one foot was already over me. We were tied in a knot. I started laughing hysterically because his hand touched my back leaving paint on it. It was cold.

"What are you laughing at?" Niall said joining. That's when he lost his balance and fell. I fell on top of him and we both ended up covered in paint. Then Niall pushed me off of him till I was laying in the paint. He smeared some on my Face.

"Niall James Horan!" I yelled. I took a hand full of paint and rubbed it on his face and then lifted his shirt up and covered his stomach.

"Memphis Casey Williams!" He yelled. He took some more and smeared it in my hair.

"Ok ok I'm done! I'm done!" I yelled at Niall who was attacking me. He stood up over me and helped me up. Me knee started to hurt again but I ignored it and me and Niall shared a paint hug.

"Ok now that yall have had your little moment Harry will now take you guys to your next place." Kristin said pointing to Harry in the doorway. He walked over to her and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

"Hey babe." He said. Then he whispered something in her ear and she nodded.

"That's not what he told me." She said.

"I know but he had to change it." Harry said back.

"Ok. well uh Finn and Niall follow Harry please." She said as her smile grew wider. As we walked out I stopped Harry.

"You finally asked her didn't you?" I said smirking.

"Yea." He said turning a bright pink. I punched his arm.

"It's about time."


We went on a short hike up a hill until we came to a big cliff. "80ft." Harry said looking over the edge. I looked over it with him and saw 2 tall guys standing at the bottom secured in harnesses. Harry looked at me and Niall. "Today you will save your fears and repel of this cliff." He said growing an evil smirk. I huffed.

"I'd wipe that smirk off your face if I were you. One time a group of my friends and I went to this same cliff and repelled off this cliff 5 times." His smirk turned into a frown.

"We are gonna what?!" Niall said. I turned to him.

"Watch the pro do it." I said slipping on a helmet and my harness. From past experiences I got my self hooked up to the trees and everything was safe and ready to go. Both looked at me in shock. "I can do that a lot faster. Trust me. We had races." I slowly backed off the edge and when I was positioned right I bounced off of the side and let the rope fly through my hand. When I came back in contact with the wall I pulled my hand behind my back to stop the rope. I did it multiple times before I reached the bottom where the guys were. Surprising both guys recognized me and I recognized them. Ones name was Daniel and the other was Brandon. "Well hello blue shirt and gray shirt!" That was their nicknames because we could never remember them so we called them by their shirt colors when we first met them. I gave them big hugs.

"Well if it isn't Memphis the repelling queen herself." Brandon said. He helped me slip off my harness. I laughed.

"Yea. We got a call the other day and someone mention your name and we couldn't wait to see you again!" Daniel said. Then I felt 2 arms wrap around me. It was Niall. I missed him come down.

"Hey! I missed it!" I whined as he slipped off his harness.

"Sorry love I didn't know." He smiled. I punched his arm playfully and we waited for Harry to make his way down.

After Harry came down we went on a short hike back up to the cafeteria were there was no longer a twister game or Kristin. It was empty and there were no light on. I went to grab Nialls hand only to find out he wasn't there. "Niall? Harry?" They were both gone. I started to head back to the door when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around to face Louis. "Lou where's Ni-" I was cut off by his hand covering my mouth.

"Shhhh. We have a few surprises in store for you." He gave me an evil glare. Oh god. I thought. Louis grabbed my wrist and with his hand still over my mouth he dragged me over to a chair. I sat down in it and he removed his hand. There was a table with a white cloth on it and little light shined above it but the table and the chair is all it lit with light. Louis' evil face vanished into the darkness.

"Louis?!" No answer. I heard someone shuffle in front of me. Then a few whispers. This can't be good.

"Ready... Aim...." I heard someone say in front of the table. "Fire!" Suddenly I was hit with cold water.

"Stop stop!" I yelled. It stopped and I heard some more movement. Then I heard someone else speak.

"Sorry... we uh... just thought you should be sprayed with water. Sorry." I guessed it was Harry. Then I heard Kristin giggle. Then a spotlight lit in the middle of the cafeteria. Then Liam appeared, then Louis, then Harry, then Kristin, then Sophia and last but not least Eleanor.

"So we're gonna play a little game." Louis spoke. "There's 2 teams. Harry, Kristin, and Eleanor. Then me, Sophia and Liam. You are in the team with Harry and Niall is with me." I stopped him.

"Where is Niall?"

"Oh yea he's on the kitchen. Ya know... he's just... ya know.... tied to a chair." He said innocently.


"He tried to run away."

"Typical." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, one team has to try to get the others "flag". Niall and Finn are the flags. You can hide them wherever you want on your side of the camp. That shouldn't be hard because the sun is going down. Once the other team gets the other teams flag to the other side the game is over and they win. Got it?" Everyone nodded. "Then, let the games begin!"

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