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"But Niall I have school tomorrow." I said. I was trying to tell Niall we couldn't go shopping tomorrow.

"But Finn!" He whined.

"Niall I have school!"

"Fine then me and the boys will pick you up from school and then we will go shopping."

"Ok that sounds better."

After school was over I waited outside for the boys to appear. I was standing there with Kristin. "Hey I left something in my locker. I'll be right back." She rushed back in the school leaving me alone on the stairs. I felt someone touch my shoulder. Then their hands went from my shoulders to my eyes.

"Guess who?" They asked.

"Get your hands off me Dane." I hissed.

"Ah come on babe!" He said.

"When did you end up like this? You were so sweet."

"I hung out with some guys ya know." I huffed and looked away.

"So who's picking you up? I don't see your car."

"Some friends now go away."

"Why don't I take you home? It looks like they're not gonna show."

"Oh they'll sh-" I was interrupted by him trying to kiss me. I slapped him.

"Ow!" He said rubbing his cheek. Then I heard a familiar voice.


"Niall!" I spun around to see Niall walking towards me with the boys. He came up and hugged me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then he noticed Dane standing there holding his cheek. Niall tightened his grip on me and gave him a glare.

"Who's this?" He whispered to me.

"This is Dane." He pulled me closer. Then Louis stepped up pushing Niall aside.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked.

"Taking back what's mine." Dane stated.

"Well I don't know what your thinking but she was never yours." Louis said releasing his inner sass.

"Let me and this Niall guy handle it. Stay out of it." Oh god. Did he just... oh god.

"What did you say? Do you know who I am? I am Louis the Tommo Tomlinson! And I will go all sass on your arse! Now listen if you ever mess with her again I will hang you by your toes and beat you like a piñata." Dane just huffed and walked away. All of us just laughed. "Can you believe him?" Louis said snapping his fingers in a Z shape.

"What did he do to you?" Niall asked still holding me.

"He tried to kiss me. But don't worry I slapped him." I smiled proudly. I felt like a child who just colored an amazing painting and my parents were proud.

"Good girl." He said kissing my forehead.

"Hey where's Kris?" Harry asked.

"Oh she went back to her locker. Down the main hall to the right. She's down that hall." He nodded and walked inside. We all just sat on the stairs and waited.

I walked down the main hall past the few students left and some teachers. I turned down the hall on the right and immediately spotted her. She was talking to some guy. He said something and she kneed him were it hurt. "Ooo." I mumbled. He fell on the floor holding his 'area'. I went over to her and put my arms around her. "Nice job baby." I said. She looked up at me.

"Thanks babe." I gently kissed her. When we pulled away the guy was looking at us. I remember his name. It was Ash. I hugged her tight.

"She mine. Back off." I growled. I then took her hand and we proceeded out side.

Harry and Kristin stepped outside and I grabbed Memphis' hand and we walked out to my car.

We pulled up to the mall and all hopped out. We walked inside and went straight into forever 21. When we walked in Memphis screamed.

We walked into Forever 21 and I immediately spotted my old friend Sara. I screamed. "Sara!" I went straight over to her and gave her a hug.

"Hey Finn!"

"Oh my gosh! How have you been?"

"Great. You?"

"Amazing! You work here now?"

"Yea I heard you used to."

"I did."

"Hey you still bestfriends with Niall? Ya know he's famous now?"

"Well we are kinda dating." Her face lit up.

"No way! Like forreal?! One Direction is my favorite band and oh my god is that him?" She asked pointing to him. "And the rest of them?" I nodded.

"Come on!" I pulled her over to the boys and Kristin who were all huddled in a circle discussing something. "Hey boys! This is my old friend Sara! She was one of the first girls I met at Brookwood." They all have her hugs.

"Hey Sara. You a fan?" Louis asked.

"You have no idea." She squealed. Then Niall leaned down to talk to me.

"Hey can I talk to you?" He whispered.

"Yea." We walked over behind on of the racks of clothes.

"Hey um management just called."

"Yea and?"

"They want us to break up. Like fake it and then yea know act like it." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"You mean I can't see you anymore?"


"When do we have to do it? Niall I don't want to!"

"Tomorrow." I let's some tears fall as I hugged Niall. "It's ok. It's gonna be ok. I'll talk to them." He rubbed my back.

"Can we just go home?"

"Yea baby. Come on." He took my hand and went to tell the others we were leaving.


We came back to my house and I went to change into my PJs. Niall got on the phone with management. It started to storm. I walked down the stairs and found Niall sitting on the couch. His elbows rested in his knee and his hands held his head. I went over and sat next to him. I rubbed his back and he looked up at me with his red and puffy eyes. "He ran one of his hands through his hair. "T-they said no." He started to let more tears fall and I did too. I snuggled up next to him and he snuggled up next to me. "I don't want to leave you."

"I don't want you to go either." We both silently sat there holding on to each other as we cried and the thunder and lightning cracked. We both soon fell into a deep sleep.

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