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"I can't believe volleyball season is over." I whined as we walked home.

"Well soccer season is starting up! And you can come see some of my games." Niall said nudging me with his elbow.-

"Niall I'm leaving next week. You won't have a game before then!" I sighed.

"Oh yea. Well then you can fly up here and see some games."

"Whoa hold the phone. We are on a 6 hour time difference and that's a long way just for a game. Why don't I get your mum to skype me and I can watch it on breaks at school?"

"Eh that's ok. It's not the same though." He said shrugging.

"My legs are so sore." I grumbled.

"Well you did just run around like a pro on a court and crashed and burned twice." He laughed a little.

"Well the first one my ankle gave out. You know I have a bad ankle. And number two was I went for a down ball and slipped and fell on my knee. Now I have this stupid brace on my ankle and a big arse bruise on my knee." I said sticking out my right leg. "And I am very clumsy." He just laughed again.

"Come on." He came towards me with arms open. He picked me up bridal style to stop me from my painful limping.

"Niall you don't have to do this. You carry me home every game." I didn't mind honestly but I knew it was tiring for him.

"Nah. It's a good work out." He smiled.

"Wait so you're saying I'm fat?" He instantly flipped.

"Wait no! That's not what I meant! You aren't fat I swear I-" he blabbered.

"Niall Niall, I'm kidding." I giggled and he sighed. "Ow ow!" I yelped. He pushed my knee the wrong way. "Ow!"

"Sorry sorry." We walked into the house and he laid me down on the couch. "Is your mom home?"

"No she had night shift today."


"At Taylor's, my cousin." Nights alone were normal for me.

"Ah I see. Well it looks like I will care for you then we watch movies for the rest of the night. Hows that sound?" Niall said walking into the kitchen.

"Great." For the rest of that night I felt like a queen. Niall cuddled with me gave me Medicine and watched whatever movie I wanted. I love him.


I slid out of my bed and slid on my brace for my ankle. I wasn't changing even going to change. I was wearing my pajamas all the way to Alabama. I was so sad though. I didn't even want to move. "Memphis come on! Your brother and sister left with Taylor! It's just me and you lets go!" My mom called for downstairs. I slowly made my way down the stairs. Tears already starting to fall.

"Mum. I can't leave. I can't. I just can't." I said running into her arms letting the tears fall. She rubbed my back.

"It's ok."

"No it's not. That's what everyone says but it never is."

"Well it will be."


I opened the front door and headed to Nialls. I knocked on the door. His mum opened it. "Hello Menphis! Is it moving day already?"

"Oh yes ma'am. Is Niall up yet?"

"Yes he is actually in the kitchen. I'll go get him." Before she could get away I embraced her with a hug.

"Thank you for being my second mom. I'm gonna miss you, I love you Maura." She hugged back placing her head on my shoulder.

"I love you too sweetheart." She pushed my back holding me by my shoulders. "You will always have a place here when you come visit. I've loved watching you grow and become such a mature young lady." I smiled. "I'll go get Niall." She walked away from the door. Somehow I managed to hold in my tears through that. But Minutes later she came back with a sad Niall. He walked out on the front porch and his mum walked back inside and shut the door. I immediately retreated into his arms. 

"This is gonna be so hard." I said tears already falling hard.

"I know. It's hard to say good bye to your best friend." I could tell he was crying too. I could feel his tears soaking my shirt. I was doing the same to him.

"Then don't say good bye. We have to say see you again. We will won't we?"

"Of course. And we can stay in touch. Don't worry things are gonna work out. and you can take my sweat shirt. So you won't forget." I connected my bracelet to his necklace.

"I will never. What if you forget?" He pulled out of the hug. I looked into his deep blue eyes. They were red and puffy but that didn't take away the beauty of them. He did something I didn't know he would. His soft lips crashed into mine. I didn't kiss back at first, I was to shocked too. But then I kissed back. We both pulled away breathless.

"Never." He pulled off his sweat shirt and handed it to me. "I'll see you soon."

"You to Niall."

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