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"Do you really have to go?" I asked Into Nialls chest as we hugged.

"Yea I do. I'm so sorry. Please don't cry." He said lifting my chin with his hand. He wiped away the already fallen tears with his thumb. "I'll be back soon. It's only 3 weeks."

"I know I know. But how am I gonna sleep at night when I can't?"

"Just think of me. You'll do fine. I'll skype you when we land ok?" I sniffled.

"Ok." He gave me a passionate kiss. He pulled away.

"Please don't worry." I nodded and kissed him one last time before he turned and left giving one last wave before he loaded the plane. I turned to see Kristin and Harry giving a quick kiss before he left. Kristin walked over to me as we waved to the plane. I looked at my phone.

"Holy crap. We are so gonna be late for the first day back."

"Well we better get going. I mean we did get up and 4:00 just to see our boys leave."


I headed to my first period. It was choir. "Hey Mr. Bowen." I said walking up to my teacher.

"Hey Memphis. I have something for you." he dug around in his drawer and handed me a pack of paper. "Here. You wanted to be in the next All-State so I got you the sign up papers." I took the papers.

"Thanks Bowen."

Lunch finally. I just got a small bag of chips and some water. I took a seat next to the big class windows. I waited for Kristin but Dane came up instead. Ash joined him. "Um hey." I said taking a sip of my water.

"Hey Memphis." Dane said. He still looked so sweet and innocent. But he didn't trust me so I can't trust him.

"It's uh Finn."

"So you finally got over Niall?"

"Well no but I decided to keep it Finn because Memphis is to formal." Yes I could have told him I'm dating him. But I wanted to see were he was going with this.

"Well it's better that way. And look at your hair! It's growing out of the red!"

"Yea um I wanted my old color."

"I like it."

"Yea me too. Anyway why did you come over here?"

"I can't come see an old friend?" He said scooting closer to me.

"Well I just thought you wanted some "space"."

"Well that was then. I was thinking me and you can go get some Starbucks after school."

"Nah I'm good." He pulled a pouty face.


"I have plans."

"What? Obsessing over your old love's boyband? He doesn't want you anymore. He's probably dating a model." I slammed my fists on the table and stood up. He's never been that mean.

"For your info, he's way better than you. And I have a boyfriend." I stormed off running into Kristin on the way.

"What's going on?"

"You can go eat lunch. I'm gonna go to the gym."

"Whoa whoa. Your stressed. Chill out."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. When you get stressed you go do volleyball drills." I just huffed and walked off.

When I got to the gym I changed into my spandex and my tank top. I grabbed the volleyball rack and headed out to the court. I stretched and did some drills. Then I started practicing on the wall. I served some over the net taking my anger out on them and then spiked a few. "Hey whoa chill out!" I turned around to see my coach. "What got your spandex in a twist."

"Stupid Dane calling Niall stupid."

"Ah guy trouble. I hear ya. Well I'm just gonna say, don't let the anger show in practice. Those girls will beat the crap out of him." We both laughed.

"Thanks coach."

"Now squat more when you pass! You know how it goes!"

"Yes ma'am!"

After about an hour I got tired of practicing and asked my coach for a pass to my next class and headed out.

--------about 3 weeks later------
It was the boys last show. They were performing in Georgia. Kristin and I were gonna surprise them! I was super excited. We were over at her house getting ready. Eleanor and Sophia were here too. We were gonna dress like them.
Me: blue skinny jeans, white t shirt, white shoes, his green NY hat, Ray bans, a yellow bracelet and a blue watch.
Kristin: jeans, a gray t shirt, his plaid blue flannel, Ray bans, white shoes and his white watch.
Sophia: jeans, white t shirt, his black and white flannel, ran bans, white shoes, and a watch.
Eleanor: a New York City shirt, black skinny jeans, galaxy print shoes, Ray bans, a white beanie and his white superman ring.
Satisfied with what we were wearing we all piled into my car and started our girl road trip to Georgia. I turned on the radio and WMYB came on. We started belting out lyrics. We scream sang. "Cause you don't know your beautiful!!" We screamed.

When it was over I turned the radio down. "What do we want for breakfast? It's already 9:00." Yes we left early. We wanted to have "girl time" in Georgia before the show.

"McDonald's?" Kristin asked.

"Fine with me." Sophia said.

"Same here." Eleanor agreed.

"Ok!" I pulled into a McDonalds drive thru and ordered.

"Hey Finn and Kris! Your famous!" Sophia said giving Kristin her phone to show me. There was a picture of me and Niall kissing in the airport and in the other picture of Harry and Kristin kissing. The caption read, "Whoa! Niall and Harry saying good bye to their new GFs! Looks like they really adore them! What a cute pair of couples! Do you like the new couples? Will the boys bring them up at the next interview?"

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