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Kristin, Harry, and Eleanor all came rushing over to me, while the others went into the back for Niall. I stood up when they made it to me and followed them out the door. We were running until we came to a very tall tree. Under the tree, hidden in the roots, on a small drop off was an old sewer pipe. It was fairly large. "Oh no! I am not getting in there!" I said backing away. "You guys are playing capture the flag with real people! The least you could do is put me somewhere better!" They all gave me and evil glare. "Ugh fine!" I said crawling down the drop off and through the roots into the pipe. "You guys are so gonna pay!" But I bet they didn't hear me because I heard them running off in the leaves.

I sat there for a good while but I remembered I had my phone. I pulled it out and decided to text Niall.

We kept running through the trees until we found a smaller yet thicker one. "Climb to the top and wait for us to come back and get you." Louis demanded. I groaned and started up the tree.

"Wait! Lou! I'm hungry!"

"Deal with it!" He yelled as he started running off. I groaned again and continued up the tree till I got to somewhere, where I could sit. Then I got a text.

My princess: hey! Where do they have you hidden?

My princess: in a tree. U?

My princess: a sewer pipe.

My princess: why do they let Lou plan things? This game is stupid. Well for us it is.

My princess: yea Frrl. Wanna ditch it and go make a bonfire till they find us?

My princess: sure! And we need to talk while we are at it. Just meet me at the cafeteria.

My princess: k.

I climbed out of the nasty pipe and made my way unnoticed to the cafeteria. Right before I walked in the double doors, Liam and Louis came rushing by. I dived into the bushes till they were gone. I climbed out and brushed off the thorns and walked in the doors. Niall was standing there waiting for me. "Wow what happened?" He asked picking out leaves and twigs from my hair.

"Well Liam and Louis came running by so I went in the bushes. It wasn't a smart idea I know." He just laughed his cute laugh. He linked arms with me.

"Now let's go build a fire!" He said walking me out the back doors of the cafeteria.

We made our way to the center of the camp. There was a big grassy area. "Let's do it here." He said. I nodded and we broke apart to go get some logs. I came back with 2 big logs and some medium sized branches. He came back with 3 logs and some sticks.

"This looks good enough." I said as we piled them up. "Now what did you want to talk about?" His eyes directed from the logs to the ground. I lit the logs on fire with a spare lighter I found in the cafeteria.

"Let's get some chairs then I will tell you." I nodded and we headed inside the nearest cabin and grabbed a twin sized mattress and some chairs. Then we went back and got a 2 seater couch. We set them around the fire and sat on the couch. The fire was warm on our skin. He put his arm around my shoulders and I scooted closer. The sun was fully down and the cool summer air blew.

The fire lit her skin giving it a glow. Her red hair blew in the wind. Her green eyes were adjusted to the fire. They had a far away look in them. She was just so pretty. Why did I ever hurt her? "Hey, Finn?" I asked still looking at her. She kept looking at the fire.

"Yea Ni?"

"Remember us being friends?" She turned to look at me.

"How could I not?"

"Well I loved the way we were."

"The feeling is mutual Horan." She said fixing her eyes back on the fire. She snuggled closer.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok." She knew what I was talking about.

"No it's not I'm re-" I was cut off by her lips crashing into mine. I smiled into the kiss. She's never had the courage to kiss a guy first. We both pulled away and our foreheads were touching. I looked deep into her green eyes.

"It's really ok. I swear. I just want to go back to the best friend couple." She intertwined our fingers. "I love you Niall James Horan."

"I love you too Memphis Casey Williams." We shared another kiss. But we were rudely interrupted.

"Get a room!" Louis yelled. We both laughed and looked at Louis who was clearly mad. "And you left the game!" He whined.

"We were in a sewer or a tree!" Memphis said.

"And?" He said starting to get very sassy.

"Just let it go. You do not want to see his bad side." I whispered to her.

"I've seen it before and I'm not afraid to fight back." She said.

"She's telling the truth. One time when he came to visit he got this way and boy did she but him in his place. She's the one with the bad side." Kristin said.

"I'm just gonna sit down now." Louis said. You could tell he didn't want to see her bad side again.

"Ok remind me not to mess with you." Harry and Liam said together. She just smiled.

"Now who wants to roast some marshmallows?!"

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