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There was a knock at the door. I stood up and walked away from Niall and the kids. I opened the door to see all my friends. Sara, Dawson, Maci, Kristin, Sophia, Harry, Louis, and Liam. "Hey guys!" They all said hey. One by one they walked in giving me a hug. Liam, Louis and Harry were the last ones to walk in. I followed after them and as soon as they got in the living room Laynie let out a blood curling scream. "Whoa Layn chill." I said. She jumped up with a huge grin and came racing over to me. I picked her up.

"I can't help it sis. It's One Direction." She whispered to me.

"Well why don't you go climb up in Louis' lap. He loves a good cuddler." I whispered back. All the guys sat on the couch with Niall. I put her down and she went over to them. She slowed down when she got closer. She looked at me. I gave her a go ahead look. She climbed up on top of Louis and sat in his lap. He put his arms around her and pulled her closer. Then they started talking. I giggled at her.

"Where's the baby?" Sara asked. I laughed at the face she was giving me. She loved babies.

"I'll go get her." I walked up the stairs and Niall followed.

"Dang this child has a better room than me." He said looking at the little dress up stuff and all. I laughed and looked down at the small little girl in the crib. She was playing around with a small stuffed animal. I picked her up and took her over to get her into some Christmas clothes and Niall watched. She kept giggling. I changed her into a cute little onesie with a big Santa on the front. Niall put his arms around my waist and leaned on me and put his chin on my shoulder. He swayed me back and forth. "Your gonna be a great mom." he whispered in my ear. It sent chills down my spine.

"Mom? Who said we were gonna have kids?" I asked.

"Me. I did."

"What if I don't want kids?" I smirked knowing that would make him mad.

"Then I'll act like a kid for the rest of my life so you'll have a kid and a husband."

"Who said I wanted a husband?" I really loved making him frustrated.

"Oh hush!" He said walking to the door. "You ruined the moment." He pouted.

"Sorry baby but there's a toddler in the room." I smiled and kissed his cheek as I walked out the door with the sweet baby girl in my hands. Everyone oohed and awed. "Say Hi Bailey." I said softly to her. She raised her hand and shook it. Everyone waved back at her and she giggled. She hid her face in my neck.

"Is someone shy?" Sophia asked in a baby voice. I nodded.

"Very." I passed her off to Harry. "This is Uncle Harry." She crawled into his lap and played with his curls. "Can you say hi?" She didn't say anything but she kissed him on the cheek. "That means she likes and trusts you. Someone is gonna be a sucker for her Uncle Harry."

"Hey watch where your sister puts her lips." Kristin said jokingly. "I'm not losing my man to a 2 year old." I laughed and sat down on Nialls lap who was sitting next to Louis. Eden went and sat next to Dawson and they chatted about football. Like real football not soccer. The girls were talking about something and Liam and Harry played with Bailey while Louis and Laynie played around. Laynie looked over to me and smiled. She leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

"Niall let's you sit in his lap to? We must be special ladies!" I whispered back.

"Yes we are baby girl." She smiled brightly and continued to mess around with Louis. I stood up off of Niall and walked into the kitchen. "I guess I need to get the food started. Anyone gonna help?" I asked. All the ladies got up and followed me into the kitchen. This is gonna be the best Christmas ever.

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