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I woke up to the blaring noise of the baby crying. It was about 8 in the morning. I looked around and saw Laynie and Eden sitting in my lap sound asleep. I carefully pushed Eden off my lap and picked up Laynie. I slowly carried her to her room and laid her in her bed. I softly kisses her forehead and went across the hall to Baileys room. I looked over the crib and saw the small baby crying. I slowly picked her up and cradled her while walking to her changing station. I tripped over one of her chairs that was on the floor for when she got older. I almost fell but regained my balance taking a deep breathe. Ok first things first of being a mom/ big sister: learn not to be as clumsy.

After I changed her I held her in my arms till she settled down. I wiped the tears from her red cheeks and carried her downstairs with me. I took her play crib into the kitchen and laid her in it so she could sleep a little more while I cooked.

I started some eggs and bacon when I heard some one talking in a baby voice. I turned to see Eden leaning sleepily over the crib. "Hey Bailey. It's your big brother Eden." I reached for his shoulder.

"Your gonna be a really good big brother."

"I already am. " I smiled and continued to cook when I heard someone tumble down the stairs. I looked over to see Laynie laying on the floor half asleep. She had a look of pain crossing her face.

"Eden finish the breakfast. I'll be right back." I walked over to the tired little girl and picked her up and carried her into the downstairs bathroom. I sat her on the counter next to the sink. She didn't cry she just moaned in pain and every once in a while almost fell over from falling asleep.

I got a wet rag from the cabinets under the sink and wet it. I dabbed it on her knee wear she had a rug burn. She coldness of the rag woke her up. She jumped slightly when I placed it on her knee. Her eyes full of alert. She whimpered from the pain. "Ok let's talk about something to get your mind off of it. Um, what sport do you play at school?"



"No soccer!" She giggled.

"Oh yea."

"I have a question." I looked up at her. "What's that on your knee?" She pointed to my brace.

"Well I was playing a volleyball game at school and shattered it."

"Ouch." I got the pain killer. "That stuff hurts." she told me. I took off the top and got ready to spray it.

"Ok quick say as many things as you can that you like about one direction." She started naming things.

"Louis' sassiness, Liam's tattoo, their music, Harrys hair," I sprayed the stiff and not thinking about it she continued. "Nialls eyes."

"Whoa hold the phone little sis!" I said putting a band aid over her knee. "Nialls eyes are mine." I said.

"Not if I get them first." She growled. She pulled a funny mad face and I did too. We stuck our foreheads together.

"Tough luck, they are already mine."

"Fine then I get Louis' butt." I looked at her surprised. Did she just..... No.....

"Did you just...."


"Laynie Addison Williams! We do not stare at guys butts nor do we claim them!" I said sternly. She looked to the floor.

"Sorry." She muttered. I gave her a hug.

"It's ok I can't stay mad at you." She smiled and hugged me.

"I thought it was ok because Eden did it all the time to girls at the park." She giggled. "Oops I wasn't supposed to say anything." she covered her mouth. I took her off the counter and we headed into the kitchen. Eden had the breakfast on the table. Laynie went to go take a seat.

"So I hear Mr. Swag looks at girls butts at the park." I said raising one eyebrow and him while taking a seat. His cheeks turned bright red.

"Nooo...." He trailed off. Then he gave Laynie an evil glare and she giggled.

"Well that's not very nice. Now what do we do about that?"

"We stop." He said.

"Good boy now eat your breakfast." I said. I looked at Laynie and we both giggled. Then she looked at me wide eyed.

"Can we get a puppy?!" She blurted. I spit out the coffee I took a sip of.

"No. A million times no."

"Why not?" She said giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Because I need to learn how to handle you guys first! Then we will see." She smiled.

"That's ok with me."

I was in the kitchen singing to my favorite song that was blaring on the radio sitting on the counter as I cooked pancakes. "If I was your boyfriend I'll never let you go!" I scream sang. I threw in some funky dance moves. I heard 2 kids giggle at me. I turned around to see Eden and Laynie with my phone in their hands. "Hey!" I shouted running after them. Then I stopped. "I don't have social media so good luck posting it." I said returning to my cooking. They both sighed knowing I won.

You realize today is Monday right?" Eden said. I dropped the spatula I was holding in my hand.

"Go get ready now!" I ran up stairs and threw on some sweats and a t shirt. I brushed out my hair and teeth and out on some shoes. "What am I gonna do with Bailey?!" I grabbed my backpack and my phone. I dialed up Taylor. "I'm bringing Bailey over. Meet me outside I don't have time to talk." I ran down to the kitchen and gave both the kids a pancake. "Here eat on the way." I said. They grabbed their backpacks and headed outside. I went upstairs again and got Bailey from her crib. I grabbed her bag and headed to the car.

I strapped the little one in her seat then got into the drivers side. I started the car and drove off.

When we got to Taylor's she came rushing outside. I handed her Bailey and the bag. I hit my head on the car door on my way back inside of it. "Ow!" I said rubbing the spot. Both of the kids laughed. I shushed them then sped off to Edens middle school. "I'll pick you up after ok? Have a good day!" He waved and I waved.

I sped off to Laynies school and let her out. "I love you and I'll pick you up later!"

"I have soccer practice today at 4!"

"Ok don't worry about it!" I sped the car to my school and went straight to my first period.

"Well good morning Memphis!" Mr. Bowen greeted me with a bright smile. "Ready for All-State tomorrow?"

"All-State is tomorrow?!" He nodded. "I'm sorry Mr. Bowen but I can't make it."


"My mom died and I'm responsible for my 3 siblings."

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"Don't sweat it. I'm fine." But deep down I knew I wasn't.

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