"What?! I-I don't! Why am I carrying theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeee?!"

An alarm started ringing on the Fraxinus.
"Shido! Get her the hell out of there!"
Kotori snapped, knowing that nothing would happen in reality.

"Alright Origami, let's just head to a clothing shop!"

A moment later, they were out of the shop, having bought a few trinkets (The tear gas was left behind, incidentally). Shido led Origami to the same shop that they had gone to in his memory, fervently hoping that she wouldn't get her hands on that school swimsuit again.

As they entered, Origami looked around in wonder at the stylish clothes hanging everywhere.  There were a wide variety of them, from casual clothes to exceedingly formal suits and dresses. The options even included cosplay outfits.
One second later however, her expression withered after seeing the mind-boggling price tag on the smooth fabric.

"Fo-forty thousand yen?!"

[A/N] Around 300 euros/dollars ;)

Shido remained unfazed, his confidence backed up by none other than Elliot Baldwin Woodman's boundless wallet, and smacked his chest.

"Leave it to me."


"The only payment I ask is letting me be the first to see you in those clothes."
Shido continued.

Origami hesitated. It was incredibly difficult for an average high school student to be able to afford something of such value. Should she accept it?

Eventually, she relented and ran off to try the clothes on before deciding on what to get. It was a rare chance, after all.

Shido made sure not to stray too far from her, waiting outside the changing room while she tried the clothes on. Meanwhile, he was practically praying.

Please don't accidentally wear something weird, please don't wear something weird, please don't...

A shrill scream split the air from within the changing room.


Seeing Shido's hesitation, Kotori gave the order ruthlessly, partly to curb Reine's suspicion, but also because she just wanted to see him suffer.

"Shido, something's wrong! Get in there!"

Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do.

"Origami, are you okay?! I'm coming in!"


Shido had already burst into the room, mentally prepared for her... maid uniform?
It was a proper maid uniform, not actually revealing anything. Nevertheless, Origami was curled into a ball in the corner, trying to hide her outfit as much as possible.



They left the shop without further hiccups after picking up a beautiful white dress. Origami kept on thanking him for buying it for her, despite his pleas for her to not mention it. At that point, they were both feeling somewhat hungry, so their next stop was a restaurant.

Shido surpressed the urge to go to the toilet, knowing what would happen if he did. Even so, something like that could not hold back the genius of Origami Tobiichi, for better or for worse.


Origami's hand slipped, knocking over a glass of water that splashed onto Shido's shirt.
Shido tried to tell her not to worry about it, but she moved with unparalleled speed, grabbing her phone and opening the camera app. A series of rapid flashes and clicks were audible as she masterfully took pictures of Shido's wet clothes from various angles.

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