💕 there's nothing holding me back | jikook

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[Summary] 🔞

Jimin meets his new (hot) neighbor and even joins his band, but he and Jungkook both want more than just that. They'll willingly cross that line if it means they get what they want.

Words: 4,203


Jimin pins yet another piece of paper to one of the boards hanging in the university hall.

He's hanging fliers asking people to contact him if there's an apartment available near the university. He needs a place to live that's closer to his classes– he regrets choosing to not live on campus before, but now all the dorms and university apartments are taken.

"Need a place to stay?"

He slightly jumps and clutches his heart at the sudden deep voice that comes from behind him. He turns to see a man about his height who's holding sound equipment and a laptop in his hands.

"Um." He glances over the man. "Yeah. I'm looking for an apartment or a roommate if you're willing to offer that."

The man shakes his head, then nods towards the open door that Jimin is standing beside. "I don't need a roommate, but if you come in here with me, I can write you down an apartment building that just got an opening."

Jimin's shoulders lift and he's excited as he follows the man inside of the open room.

The room has foam on the walls to block the sound of the instruments that Jimin sees– a set of black drums, a few guitars, a couple of microphone stands, and the table that the man leads him to, which is where he sets his laptop and sound equipment.

"I'm Yoongi, by the way."

The man– Yoongi– opens up a black notebook that looks too fancy. The notebook has sticky notes inside, which he quickly jots down an address on and then holds it up to Jimin.

"Who's this, Yoongi-yah?" There's a taller man sitting in the middle of the room with a guitar in his hands, toying with it. "You already found us a singer?"

Yoongi shakes his head. "This guy's looking for a place to live, so I gave him the apartment address that Jungkook lives at. Remember? He said the guy across from him finally moved out yesterday."

"My name is Jimin," Jimin cuts in once Yoongi is finished speaking. "And you're looking for a singer? You know, I used to perform in choir back in high school."

"Choir?" The guitarist questions. "This is a rock band, Jimin-ssi."

"Are you questioning my vocals, guitar man?"

The guitar man doesn't get offended; he laughs like the sound of a window being wiped off. "I like this guy, Yoongi. Give him our number. I'm Seokjin, by the way. But you can call me guitar man if that floats your boat"

Yoongi rolls his eyes playfully, but holds his hand out for the sticky note which Jimin kindly gives back and he writes down one of their numbers– probably his own. Jimin not only has a potentially new apartment to sign up for, but he also has a rock band's number to call if he wants to try and become a vocalist.

This year may not be so bad after all.


The apartment is perfect for Jimin and he makes a mental note to use the number on the sticky note to thank Yoongi for sending him here.

Though it's only been a week since classes started back up, he juggles between moving into his new place and starting assignments that are already piling up.

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