Yoonkook 🔞 (Part 1/2)

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Jungkook gets needy for his hyung.

Words: 3,938


Jungkook had always been needy when it comes to the other members. He had never wanted to share his own personal items, but he did love affection and feeling involved. When one member went to the store, he'd want to tag along, another member goes out to eat, Jungkook wants to go with them, another member brings something home with them, Jungkook gets curious and looks.

He feels too in-the-way sometimes.

The member he felt the most this way was Yoongi, though. His Suga-hyung.

He'd always find himself wanting to do things that Yoongi does, whether it be fishing with Seokjin, cooking meals for everyone, producing music of his own, or merely even napping or wearing the same style of clothes from headbands to the all black outfits he wears.

He always finds himself copying him.

Yoongi found it cute, though. As if he were a father or even someone that Jungkook looks up to. That's what Jungkook thought, too.

Until one day, it wasn't like that.

One day, Jungkook and Yoongi were sitting alone in the house. The other members were off doing whatever, but the other two didn't mind. Jungkook was watching as Yoongi was fixing dinner for the two. Usually, Jungkook helps with that. Not today, though.

Instead, he sat on the stool watching his hyung's hands move ever so slowly against the utensils he used, delicately holding them.

Jungkook shifted, watching as the older's face was fixed on watching the food cook.

For some odd reason, Jungkook felt like he never wanted to just sit and watch the man cook ever again. It makes him feel some way. The way his hands move and the focused look on his face makes him look.. hot?

Jungkook shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts as Yoongi shoved something in the oven. He can't think like that. It's wrong.

Yet, his breath hitched as Yoongi looked straight up at him, making eye contact.

"You good?" Yoongi noticed how uncomfortable the younger boy looked.

"Uh- yeah." He nodded quickly.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow before shrugging to himself. "Ok, then." He said as he turned around. As he turned, though, he hit his wooden spoon against the wall, making it fall onto the cold wood floor.

They both stared at it before Yoongi let out a quiet 'damn it', then leaned over to pick it up. Jungkook nearly choked, seeing Yoongi's shirt slightly lift up, showing his ass perfectly.

"A-Actually, I'm not hungry, h-hyung." He stood up from the stool, then his eyes widened as he felt his pants grow tighter.

Yoongi picked up the spoon and furrowed his eyebrows as he turned to look at Jungkook. "But, I'm cooking your favorite—"

"Put it in the fridge." Jungkook cut him off before hurrying off to his bedroom.

He closed his door and looked down at himself, looking at the noticeable bulge in his pants. "What the hell?" He bit his lip.

This is obviously a mistake, right? How could it be? He's hard because of Yoongi?

That's hard to say or admit, though. I mean- it's his hyung. Yoongi hyung. The guy he's known for years, and he's never felt this way before, has he? Maybe somewhat..

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