💕 "That's all I've ever wanted" | Taegikook

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[Summary] (Com Work)

"To the engagement of these three wonderful, handsome men! Cheers!"

One last intake of air stopped Jungkook's breathing. He watched an unfamiliar man wrap his arms around Taehyung and Yoongi. Then, they all raised their glasses together.


Jungkook felt like puking.

Words: 13,196
(happy ending lmao)


Loving is so good— only when it's young. Jungkook had found that out all too late.

It was the early 2010s when Jungkook had met the group of friends he'd always remember for the rest of his life.

These friends were the ones he'd met in school. The friends he'd met by accident, in detention where they all had gotten themselves caught up in, and from that day, the seven boys formed a bond over goofing around in detention and getting to know each other for the first time— seven different personalities that shouldn't mix well together, yet they did.

These friends were the ones that Jungkook spent almost every second of every day with, whether it be all seven, just four, only two— it didn't matter because one way or another, he was with his friends.

These friends were Jungkook's ride-or-die. The friends he's graduated with and the ones that suggested all of them living together in one apartment once they got out of high school. And they did. They graduated and it was them who found an apartment big enough for the seven of them. It was his friends, who did everything. Jungkook simply basked in the glory.

Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, and Kim Taehyung. Jungkook basked in the glory of having his six best friends and soulmated brothers by his side at all times.

But at some point, the glory became too much.

Namjoon and Seokjin started dating straight out of high school, sharing a bedroom— which had apparently given the same idea to Yoongi and Taehyung as well, because it wasn't too long after Namjoon and Seokjin told the boys about their new relationship that the other two came forward, admitting that they'd been secretly seeing each other since the last years of school.

It was too much shock for Jungkook, though he felt happy that his friends trusted each other enough to let their relationships be known. Not so surprisingly, Hoseok and Jimin started flirting with each other and had been caught kissing on the couch more times than Jungkook would like to admit. Jungkook was completely left out of any relationship. The only single one out of the seven.

The only real problem Jungkook had was the fact that he had been hopelessly crushing on both Yoongi and Taehyung since they'd moved in together.

When he found out they were dating, the shock was unimaginable, but so was the pinch in his heart once he realized that both of the people he liked were made for each other and not for him. He figured maybe he could force himself into their relationship, even.

He would try everything: helping Taehyung wash his clothes, leaving cute sticky notes in their bedroom, teasing Yoongi in a flirtatious way, even sometimes implying that he could be their unofficial boyfriend— which neither of the two took the hint at. He even started buying cute gifts for the two, or sometimes sweets and fruits that he knew they liked— Taehyung's strawberries and Yoongi's tangerines.

"These are my favorite!" Taehyung would say, smiling big as he did.

"You sure do like to buy things lately," Yoongi said one time, which had Jungkook laughing nervously to himself. "Are you trying to apologize for something, Jungkook-ah? Did you break something in our room? Hurt Tannie?"— Yeontan, Taehyung's pomeranian.

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