💕 the ultimate win | namgi

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To Yoongi, playing basketball, making music, and reading books are all normal occurrences. They're a part of his everyday college life.

But meeting Kim Namjoon? Definitely not an everyday occurrence.

Words: 4,269


It's one of those days.

The fall air is sort of chilly outside, so Yoongi stays indoors most of the time. Usually, there would be a team or a group of guys hogging up the basketball court, but the goal is free today and it gives him the perfect opportunity to do what he's been sitting at the side and waiting until late evenings to do.

He begins in the early afternoon this time, having the court to himself– only a few people are roaming around or sitting on the bleachers to talk to their friends.

It's his own basketball that he plays with. His older brother gifted him this ball last year, when Yoongi had first started college. Now he's in his second year and this ball of his– though it's a very ordinary basketball– has become his lucky charm; his joy.

He comes to the court often, but he doesn't play basketball with the school's team like he had back in high school. Making music and playing basketball were the only two things he truly had going for him– it just so happens that music was his choice of profession and basketball is a mere sport to play for fun or when he needs to take a break from writing songs and from school.

The sound that the ball makes every time it hits the metal ring, when it slips through the net, or when it bounces on the floor always makes Yoongi feel satisfied in a way. There's nothing too serious about the way he shoots hoops today. He has no goal to win.

He doesn't have to win.

"Can I join you?"

The voice is deep and it comes from behind him, a bit startling considering he didn't hear any footsteps moments before; he was too focused on his ball. When he turns to match the voice to a face, he has to lift his chin in the slightest and he probably looks like a deer in headlights as his lips part in shock at what he sees.

He doesn't know the guy, but he doesn't have to. The guy is tall and extremely handsome, seeing how his grown-out hair is settled a bit too gorgeously and his dark eyes match his dark tank top, which is perfect against his sun-kissed skin– something that Yoongi isn't too used to seeing around here. He's handsome, seeing how smoothly his jaw is sculpted and how his eyes are squinted a bit in amusement as he eyes Yoongi as well. He's handsome– hot.

He's hot.

"Well?" he questions as he holds out his hand. Yoongi follows the motion, eyes gradually falling to the man's toned arm and then to his hand. It's a huge hand. A friendly gesture and a simple question. Yoongi needs to not drool over some random guy like this.

But suddenly he does have to win his game.

It's not to impress this guy or anything. He doesn't even know him or if he's on the basketball team, but Yoongi is pretty confident as he nods and bounces the ball toward the man. Again, he doesn't want to win to impress.

He just... suddenly wants to play for real.

"How do you wanna play?" he asks the guy, speaking for the first time. When he gets a dimpled, slightly reluctant smile in return, Yoongi just watches the man in complete awe. As if he wasn't perfect enough already, he has dimples.

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